Pre-Booked Household CleanUp Collection
Terms & Conditions - How to Book - Accepted Items - Not Accepted Items
Household CleanUp collection is offered by Council to City of Ryde residents to dispose of bulky unwanted household items.
Please note: Business / Commercial and some non-rateable properties are not eligible for Household CleanUp.
Are your items too good to waste?
Before making a CleanUp booking, extend the life of your items:
- Donate items to friends, family or a local charity store.
- Contact The Bower Reuse and Repair Centre, click here for more information.
- Hold a Garage Sale, click here for more information.
- Sell items online e.g. Gumtree, eBay or through local Facebook pages (charges may apply).
- Use local clothing donation bins, click here for more information.
- Keep garden organics that are accepted through our Chipping and Mulching Service
Glass and building materials are not allowed

Garden organics must be bundled and tied

Please note: Palm fronds, or garden organics with spikes or thorns are not accepted.
Household CleanUp Terms & Conditions
Each property has access to up to 5 CleanUp collections per calendar year.
You can place up to 1.5 cubic metres of material out per collection, which is equivalent to one box trailer load.
You can only place items out on your nature strip 1 day before your booked collection date, no earlier and no later.
Booking cancellations must be reported to Council two (2) business days prior to your CleanUp booking. You can phone Council on 9952 8222 or email
Plan Ahead
Bookings fill up fast, especially around peak holiday periods. So please plan ahead to avoid disappointment. The Household CleanUp service is only available on the same day as your regular bin collection. In addition, bookings need to be made at least 10 business days in advance.
Ensure you are aware of all Household CleanUp Terms & Conditions(PDF, 361KB).
CleanUp Label
To assist in identifying booked collections, please attach the scheduled clean up label to both the street facing and footpath facing side. If you are unable to print the labels, please attach a piece of paper to the material with the booking number and date of collection.
How to Book
Live in a house?

Live in a unit/apartment
complex or duplex?
Book your CleanUp online or call 9952 8222

Have your own
set of bins
Share a bin service
with others in your
Set yourself a reminder for your booked CleanUp date
Check your notice board or contact your
Managing Body for your next CleanUp date
Place CleanUp items on the nature strip 1 day before your booked CleanUp date and place the sticker provided on your CleanUp pile facing the road
Note: If you live in a unit or apartment complex or are a Managing Body trying to book, click here for more information.
Ensure your CleanUp items are:
- Compliant and accepted CleanUp items, click here for more information
- Bundled and tied, including garden organics, fence palings, carpet and linoleum
- Safe to handle with no spikes, thorns, tacks or nails
- No longer than 1.5 metres in length
- Contained in boxes or bags (especially small loose items)
- Separated into 3 piles: metals, garden organics and general waste items
- Not obstructed and can be accessed easily by the collection truck
- Presented neatly on the nature strip not obstructing the footpath, and within 15 metres of the kurb side.
- Do not place items on your nature strip without a booking. Fines may apply
- Do not place items out earlier than 1 day before your booked collection date. Fines may apply. Placing items out earlier may encourage others to illegally dump items on your pile, making it non-compliant.
- Do not place more than 1.5 cubic metres of materials out for collection
Accepted Items
Old Furniture and Appliances
Such as couches, drawers, chairs, bookshelves, kitchen appliances
Conditions: No longer than 2 metres in length and must be able to be lifted by 2 people
Mattresses and bed frames
Conditions: No longer than 2 metres in length

Garden organics
Such as branches, twigs, vegetation (it is best to place leaves and grass clippings in your green lid garden organics bin)
Conditions: Must be bundled and tied with no spikes and no longer than 1.5 metres in length and 8 cm in diameter. Garden organics placed in bags will go to landfill
Metal and whitegoods
Such as fridges, freezers, microwaves, ladders, filing cabinets
Conditions: Doors must be removed for health and safety reasons and must be able to be lifted by 2 people
Small household items
Such as toys, books, suitcases, lamps, baskets
Conditions: Loose items must be contained in boxes or bags
Timber and wood
Conditions: Must be bundled and tied, nails removed or hammered flat. No longer than 1.5 metres. See example(JPG, 89KB).
Carpet and linoleum
Conditions: Must be rolled and tied Nails/tacks removed or facing inwards
Bulk cardboard
Currently large quantities of cardboard can be taken to the Resource Recovery Centre in Wicks Rd for free
Conditions: Must be flattened (or can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin)
Large containers and tins
Conditions: Must be empty
Hot water systems, pool filter
Conditions: Must be able to be lifted by 2 people and no longer than 1.5M in length
Garden equipment
Such as hoses, buckets, pots
Conditions: Small items must be contained in a box or bag (or place in your general waste bin)
Not Accepted Items
TVs, computers and associated equipment
Such as screens, monitors, printers, scanners and cables.
How to Dispose: Book a separate free collection. For more information click here or call 9952 8222
Gas bottles
How to Dispose: Take to nearest transfer station
Paint, chemicals, solvents and batteries
How to Dispose: Click here for disposal options or take to nearest transfer station
Mirrors and glass items E.g. glass doors, tables, windows
How to Dispose: Take to nearest transfer station
Tree trunks and branches over 8cm in diameter
How to Dispose: Click here for our chipping and mulching service or take to nearest transfer station
Palm Fronds, or Garden Organics with spikes or thorns
Car bodies, engine blocks and tyres
How to Dispose: Take to nearest transfer station or call a scrap metal company
Decaying material
How to Dispose: Take to nearest transfer station
General household garbage
How to Dispose: Place in red lid general waste bin
Trade waste
How to Dispose: Take to nearest transfer station, hire a skip bin or contact a waste removal company
Porcelain materials (e.g. toilets and hand basins)
How to Dispose: Take to nearest transfer station, hire a skip bin or contact a waste removal company
How to Dispose: Contact a waste removal company.
Building / Commercial / Trade Waste
Including by not limited to fibro, plaster board, insulation bats, dirt, sand, stones, bricks, concrete, roof tiles and demolition material.
How to Dispose: Take to nearest transfer station, hire a skip bin or contact a waste removal company.
If you have an item that is not listed above or an item you are unsure of, please call Customer Service on 9952 8222.
It is your responsibility to dispose of items presented that are not collected as part of CleanUp.
Unacceptable or Non-Compliant items can be disposed of at the Cleanaway Ryde Resource Recovery Centre located at 145 Wicks Rd, North Ryde. Fees may apply. For more information click here for their website or call 1300 651 116.
REMEMBER: You may be fined for illegal dumping if you place materials on the nature strip earlier than 1 day before your booked CleanUp date or if you place materials on the nature strip without a CleanUp booking. Fines exceeding $2,000 may apply.