Tree Applications and Fees

Tree Applications

If you are seeking permission to remove or prune a tree on your property fill out a Tree Management Application(PDF, 269KB) and submit the form to through Council's Customer Service with the applicable fee. 

You can review a Tree Permit within three months of receiving your determination. Complete a Review Tree Management Application(PDF, 228KB) and then submit the form to Council's Customer Service with the applicable fee. 

For properties within or part of a Heritage Conservation Area or Heritage Item and you wish to apply for tree removal, you must complete a Development Application Form for tree removal on heritage properties(PDF, 197KB)

Please note exemptions do not apply (including removing deadwood) for any Tree which:

  • is listed on the City of Ryde Significant Tree Register;
  • is located as part of a vulnerable, threatened or endangered ecological community;
  • is or forms part of a heritage item;
  • is within one of the five heritage conservation areas within the City of Ryde. 

To check if your property is exempt please contact Council's Customer Service on 9952 8222. 


Applications under the City of Ryde's Development Control Plan (DCP) 2014 Part 9.5 - Tree Preservation, incur an application fee. Current fees are as follows:

Residential (non strata)

  • $85 per tree, up to 2 trees
  • $170 for 2 trees
  • $213 for 3 trees
  • $28.00 per additional tree (more than 3) per property (on top of $213) 

Pensioner discount (Residential - Non Strata only)

  • Pensioners will receive up to 50% discount (pensioner ID required) 

Commercial and other (pensioner discount not available)

  • $169 per tree, up to 2 trees
  • $338 for 2 trees
  • $425 for 3 trees
  • $114 per additional tree (more than 3) on top of $425 per property

Review of Decision

  • $212 for Review (by an alternative Council officer)
  • Pensioners will receive a 50% discount (pensioner ID required)

Additional Fees

  • Urgency Application* - $568 (for permit determination within 3 working days, in addition to the application fee)

*subject to availability