Sustainability Working Group

The primary function of the Sustainability Working Group is to consider matters and inform Council of community views, priorities and topics regarding the natural environment and sustainability topics including renewable energy and resource efficiency, resilience and climate change mitigation and adaption within the Ryde LGA and regional initiatives.  

Download the Terms of Reference(PDF, 154KB).


Location: Meetings are held at the North Ryde office and online. 

Agendas Minutes
19 June 2024(PDF, 161KB) 19 June 2024(PDF, 125KB)
20 March 2024(PDF, 141KB)  20 March 2024(PDF, 146KB)
13 December 2023(PDF, 131KB) 13 December 2023(PDF, 168KB)
13 September 2023(PDF, 131KB) 13 September 2023(PDF, 141KB)
14 June 2023(PDF, 175KB) 14 June 2023(PDF, 126KB)
15 March 2023(PDF, 134KB) 15 March 2023(PDF, 186KB)
14 December 2022(PDF, 134KB) 14 December 2022(PDF, 168KB)
14 September 2022(PDF, 111KB) 14 September 2022(PDF, 192KB)

Past Agendas and Minutes