River to River Corridors Project
After three exciting and engaging years, the River to River Wildlife Corridors project has now closed. The grant funded project aimed to assist small native birds and other fauna in the City of Ryde and Hunters Hill corridor areas through improvement of habitat areas.
Why did council do a project like this?
Through completion of scientific studies, it was identified years before, that urban development (and other factors) had disconnected and fragmented many of the natural bushland corridors used by wildlife between the Lane Cove and Parramatta Rivers. These corridors are crucial to ensure survival of fauna.
The function of a ‘wildlife corridor’ is to enable fauna to freely move through connected vegetation (planted) spaces. Wildlife require this for survival, breeding, sourcing food and protection (from predators including cats and dogs).
Council recognised the need to reconnect these bush corridors and completed works through new plantings and improving the condition of existing areas to assist fauna and flora growth. These corridor areas can be viewed on the Project Planting Sites(PDF, 2MB) .
Over the three year duration of the project scientific surveys were completed to inform the project in the early stages, community surveys were conducted to engage residents and gauge interest on local environmental topics, and multiple planting based community events were held to educate and connect the corridor areas.
Council’s focus of engaging Residents through planting events in the local area helped the community to learn about planting for habitat structure within their own gardens that would also support the habitat. Residents who live directly along the project corridor zones were invited to attend the events which included workshops on:
- How to create habitat for small birds and fauna within their garden
- How to care for wildlife
- Local small native birds.
Final Project Outcomes
With thanks to the Communities of the City of Ryde and Hunters Hill, the project has aided in enhancing over 9kms of identified corridor space in 25 planted sites. This was achieved with the help of over 900 community members, school and volunteer groups.
Collectively this contribution has planted over 16,000 plants that will provide habitat for small birds and other native fauna. Community played a critical role in extending and enhancing these wildlife corridor zones. Participating residents have also planted native plant species in their own gardens to support native small birds.
The City of Ryde and Hunters Hill have been recognised for the project by being invited to present the project at the Local Government NSW Awards for Excellence in the Environment and were awarded winners for the state 2013 in the category of Education, Empowerment & Communication.
For your free guide on how to plant and create habitat you can download the Habitat Friendly Gardens Guide(PDF, 982KB) or pick up a free copy at Customer Service, Civic Centre, 1 Devlin Street, Ryde.