Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest
Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest is a tall open forest found on shale and shale enriched sandstone soils. Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest consists of a mid-section of shrubs and small trees, with a grassy ground cover.
The canopy consists mainly of turpentine, red mahogany and various Ironbark species. This vegetation community has a mean annual rainfall between 900 and 1250 mm.
Endangered Ecological Community
Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest is listed as an critically endangered ecological community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and a critically endangered ecological community under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Native Species List
Common Name
Botanical Name
Approximate Height
Trees |
Turpentine |
Syncarpia glomulifera |
30m |
Grey Ironbark |
Eucalyptus paniculata subsp. paniculata |
25-35m |
Smooth-barked Apple |
Angophora costata |
15-25m |
Blackbutt |
Eucalyptus pilularis |
20-30m |
Red Mahogany |
Eucalyptus resinifera |
20-30m |
Small Trees |
Sweet Pittosporum |
Pittosporum undulatum |
Shrubs |
Coffee Bush |
Breynia oblongifolia |
Blackthorn |
Bursaria spinosa |
Large-leaf Hop-bush |
Dodonaea triquetra |
Rough Guinea Flower |
Hibbertia aspera subsp. aspera |
Prickly Beard-heath |
Leucopogon juniperinus |
Mock -olive |
Notelaea longifolia |
Paper Daisy |
Ozothamnus diosmifolius |
Yellow Pittosporum |
Pittosporum revolutum |
Elderberry Ash |
Polyscias sambucifolia |
Ground Covers |
Threeawn Speargrass |
Aristida vagans |
Apple Dumplings |
Billardiera scandens |
Blue Flax-lily |
Dianella caerulea |
Kidney Weed |
Dichondra repens |
Bushy Hedgehog-grass |
Echinopogon caespitosus var. caespitosus |
Bordered Panic |
Entolasia marginata |
Wiry Panic |
Entolasia stricta |
Wombat Berry |
Eustrephus latifolius |
Love Creeper |
Glycine clandestina |
Small-leaf glycine |
Glycine microphylla |
Variable Sword-sedge |
Lepidosperma laterale |
Spiny-headed mat-rush |
Lomandra longifolia |
Many-flowered Mat-rush |
Lomandra multiflora |
Weeping Grass |
Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides |
Vines and Climbers |
Wonga Wonga Vine |
Pandorea pandorana |
Whiteroot |
Pratia purpurascens |
Pastel Flower |
Pseuderanthemum variabile |
Kangaroo Grass |
Themeda australis |
Location in City of Ryde