Coastal Shale Sandstone Forest
Sydney Foreshore Shale Forest is a tall open eucalypt forest with a sparse shrub layer and a dense cover of ground covers, vines and climbers. It occurs on shale-enriched sandstone, on crests and slopes near waterways. Sydney Foreshores Shale Forest occurs at elevations between 6 to 20 metres above sea level.
The only patch of this vegetation community in Ryde can be found at Memorial Park, Meadowbank.
Native species list
Common Name
Botanical Name
Approx. Height
Smooth-Bark Apple
Angophora costata
Grey Gum
Eucalyptus punctata
Forest Red Gum
Eucalyptus tereticornis
Small Trees
Black She-Oak
Allocasuarina littoralis
Black Wattle
Acacia mearnsii
Mock Olive
Notelaea longifolia
Duboisia myoporoides
Myrsine variabilis
Shrubs |
Tick Bush |
Kunzea ambigua |
1-3m |
Coffee Bush |
Breynia oblongifolia |
1-2m |
Prickly Heath |
Leucopogon juniperinus |
Ground Covers |
Three-awn Speargrass
Aristida vagans
Kidney Herb
Dichondra repens
Right-angle Grass
Entolasia stricta
Prickly Heath
Leucopogon juniperinus
Weeping Grass
Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides
White Root
Pratia purpurascens
Rough Saw-sedge
Gahnia aspera
Variable Sword-sedge
Lepidosperma laterale
Spiny Headed Mat Rush
Lomandra longifolia
Slender-leaf Basket Grass
Oplismenus imbecillis
Small Poranthera
Poranthera microphylla
Creeping Speedwell
Veronica plebeia
Small Flower Finger Grass
Digitaria parviflora
Brown’s Love Grass
Eragrostis brownii
Stinking Pennwort
Hydrocotyle laxiflora
Blady Grass
Imperata cylindrica var. major
Basket Grass
Oplismenus aemulus
Yellow Wood-sorrel
Oxalis perennans
Forest Hedgehog Grass
Echinopogon ovatus
Bordered Panic
Entolasia marginata
Wattle Mat Rush
Lomandra filiformis
Slender Panic
Paspalidium distans
Native Violet
Viola hederacea
Vines and Climbers
Love Creeper
Glycine microphylla
Scrambling Lily
Geitonoplesium cymosum
Apple Dumplings
Billardiera scandens
Golden Guinea Flower
Hibbertia scandens
Location in City of Ryde