Hornsby Enriched Sandstone Exposed Woodland
Hornsby Enriched Sandstone Exposed Woodland is a low open eucalypt woodland with an open to dense shrub layer. It is one of a suite of heathy sandstone woodlands found in Sydney coastal environments. It occurs on sandstone ridges at the end of northern Sydney plateaus. The shrub layer otherwise carries a diverse mix of sclerophyllous shrubs that are typical in other Sydney sandstone woodlands. The ground layer is a sparse to moderate cover of grasses, sedges and small herbs. Hornsby Enriched Sandstone Exposed Woodland occurs within a narrow band of mean annual rainfall between 900-1100mm.
This native vegetation community is found along ridgetops in soils that are sandy and shallow. Along the ridgetops are exposed slopes of Hawkesbury Sandstone, such as those found on Sugarloaf Hill.
Native Species List
Common Name
Botanical Name
Approximate Height
Trees |
Dwarf Apple |
Angophora hispida |
3-4m |
Scribbly Gum |
Eucalyptus haemastoma |
10-15m |
Red Bloodwood |
Corymbia gummifera |
20-30m |
Sydney Peppermint |
Eucalyptus piperita |
15m |
Shrubs |
Sydney Golden Wattle |
Acacia longifolia |
Sweet-scented Wattle |
Acacia suaveolens |
Black She-Oak |
Allocasuarina littoralis |
Heath-leaved Banksia |
Banksia ericifolia subsp. ericifolia |
Fern-leaved Banksia |
Banksia oblongifolia |
Old Man Banksia |
Banksia serrata |
Eggs and Bacon |
Dillwynia retorta |
Grey Spider-flower |
Grevillea buxifolia |
Tickbush |
Kunzea ambigua |
Mountain Devil |
Lambertia formosa |
Paperbark Tea-tree |
Leptospermum trinervium |
Small Leaf Beard Heath |
Leucopogon microphyllus |
Micrantheum |
Micrantheum ericoides |
Smooth Geebung |
Persoonia levis |
Heath Phyllota |
Phyllota phylicoides |
Wreath Bush-pea |
Pultenaea tuberculata |
Snow Wreath |
Woollsia pungens |
Grass Tree |
Xanthorrhoea media |
Ground Covers |
Lesser Flannel Flower |
Actinotus minorActinotus minor |
Tall Speargrass |
Austrostipa pubescens |
Sydney Boronia |
Boronia ledifolia |
Sheath Rush |
Cyathochaeta diandra |
Blue Damperia |
Dampiera stricta |
Blue Flax Lily |
Dianella caerulea |
Right-angle Grass |
Entolasia stricta |
Pale Mat Rush |
Lomandra glauca |
Vines and Climbers |
Apple Dumplings |
Billardiera scandens |
Devil's Twine |
Cassytha pubescens |
Location in City of Ryde