Coastal Sandstone Gallery Rainforest
Coastal Sandstone Gallery Rainforest is a warm-temperate rainforest is found on sandy alluvium or rocky streams in deep protected sandstone gully systems across the greater Sydney region. These are rainforests of low species diversity compared to more complex rainforests associated with richer soils. The array of vines and climbers that are common in other rainforest assemblages are absent here. Instead, the ground cover is an open cover of ferns amongst sandstone boulders and fallen logs. It occurs in higher rainfall zones greater than 900mm per annum.
This community grows in sheltered gullies, slopes and hillsides on Hawkesbury Sandstone. In the Ryde Local Government Area the remaining pockets of Coastal Sandstone Gallery forest can be found along Terrys Creek, Kittys Creek and the Lane Cove River.
Native Species List
Common Name
Botanical Name
Approximate Height
Trees |
Coachwood |
Ceratopetalum apetalum |
10-25m |
Black Wattle |
Callicoma serratifolia |
5-10m |
Water Gum |
Tristaniopsis laurina |
4-10m |
Lilly Pilly |
Acmena smithii |
15-20m |
Sweet Pittosporum |
Pittosporum undulatum |
5-10m |
Flax-leaved Paperbark |
Melaleuca linariifolia |
5-8m |
Shrubs |
Sydney Golden Wattle |
Acacia longifolia |
Parramatta Wattle |
Acacia parramattensis |
Lilly Pilly |
Acmena smithii |
Narrow Leaf Myrtle |
Austromyrtus tenuifolia |
Yellow Tea Tree |
Leptospermum polygalifolium subsp. polygalifolium |
Ground Covers |
False Bracken Fern |
Calochlaena dubia |
Small Rasp Fern |
Doodia caudata |
Common Rush |
Juncus usitatus |
Spiny-headed mat-rush |
Lomandra longifolia |
Basket Grass |
Oplismenus spp., Viola hederacea |
Vines and Climbers |
Devil's Twine |
Cassytha pubescens |
Sweet Morinda |
Morinda jasminoides |
Location in City of Ryde