Coastal Enriched Sandstone Dry Forest
Coastal Enriched Sandstone Dry Forest is commonly encountered on the upper slopes and dry gullies of Sydney urban areas. It is a tall open eucalypt forest with an understorey of dry sclerophyll shrubs with ferns and herbaceous flowering plants amongst the ground cover. It is widespread on the Hornsby plateau and in areas that receive greater than 1000 millimetres of average annual rainfall.
Native Species List
Common Name
Botanical Name
Approximate Height
Trees |
Smooth-bark Apple |
Angophora costata |
15-25m |
Red Bloodwood |
Corymbia gummifera |
20-30m |
Sydney Peppermint |
Eucalyptus piperita |
15m |
Blackbutt |
Eucalyptus pilularis |
20-30m |
Turpentine |
Syncarpia glomulifera |
30m |
Small Trees |
Black She-oak |
Allocasuarina littoralis |
Old-man Banksia |
Banksia serrata |
Blueberry Ash |
Elaeocarpus reticulatus |
Sweet Pittosporum |
Pittosporum undulatum |
Christmas Bush |
Ceratopetalum gummiferum |
Shrubs |
Sweet Wattle |
Acacia suaveolens |
Sunshine Wattle |
Acacia terminalis |
Prickly Moses |
Acacia ulicifolia |
Hairpin Banksia |
Banksia spinulosa |
Large-leaf Hop-bush |
Dodonaea triquetra |
Flaky-barked Tea-tree |
Leptospermum trinervium |
Crinkle Bush |
Lomatia silaifolia |
Broad-leaved Geebunk |
Persoonia levis |
Ground Covers |
Blue Flax-lily |
Dianella caerulea |
Wiry Panic |
Entolasia stricta |
Spiny-headed mat-rush |
Lomandra longifolia |
Bracken Fern |
Pteridium esculentum |
Woolly Xanthosia |
Xanthosia pilosa |
Vines and Climbers |
Apple Dumplings |
Billardiera scandens |
Devil's Twine |
Cassytha pubescens |
Sweet Sarsparilla |
Smilax glyciphylla |
Location in City of Ryde