Estuarine Saltmarsh
Estuarine Saltmarshes consist of low herbs, grasses, rushes, sedges and reeds that are salt tolerant. In Ryde Estuarine Saltmarsh occurs in tidal areas along the Parramatta River, Lane Cove River and Buffalo Creek, often behind stands of mangroves.
An Endangered Community
Estuarine Saltmarsh is listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.
Native Species List
Common Name
Botanical Name
Approximate Height
Trees |
River Mangrove |
Aegiceras corniculatum |
3-4m |
Grey Mangrove |
Avicennia marina |
4-5m |
Swamp She-Oak |
Casuarina glauca |
15-20m |
Shrubs |
Sea Berry Saltmarsh |
Rhagodia candolleana |
Ground Covers |
Sea Rush |
Juncus kraussii |
Creeping Brookweed |
Samolus repens |
Glasswort |
Sarcocornia quinqueflora |
Saltwater Couch |
Sporobolus virginicus |
Location in City of Ryde