Tenders and Contracts

Council issues a number of Requests for Tender (RFT’s), Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) and Requests for Quotation (RFQ’s) each year.

All respondents to an RFT, RFQ or EOI are required to comply with the requirements of Council's Code of Conduct and Statement of Business Ethics(PDF, 299KB).

Requests for Tender and Expressions of Interest

Council typically calls for tenders or expressions of interest when the anticipated value of procurement exceeds $227,000 plus GST. RFT’s and EOI’s are issued through Council’s E-Tendering System (TenderLink). All EOI’s and open RFT’s are advertised on this website. 

See more about the systems we use to buy to register your details and establish profiles so that you automatically receive the following information on EOI’s and open RFT’s issued via TenderLink.

Tenders and Expressions of Interest

For all current tenders and expressions of interest, visit the TenderLink website and click 'All current tenders'. 

Visit the TenderLink website.


Tender/Quotation/EOI no. Tender/Quotation/EOI Description  Tender/Quotation/EOI Closing Date 


Closed Tenders/Quotations/EOIs

Tender/Quotation/EOI no. Tender/Quotation/EOI Description  Submissions Received 
 COR-RFT-07-25  Lease of Ryde Park Café  
COR-RFT-04-25 Engineering Design Services of Signalisation of Khartoum and Waterloo Rd Macquarie Park Submissions(PDF, 76KB)
COR-RFT-06-23 Waste, Recyclables, Organics and Bulky Waste Collection Services Submissions(PDF, 59KB)
COR-RFT- 09-23 Putney Park Swim Site Activation Supply and Installation of Piles Submissions(PDF, 87KB)
COR-RFT-08-23 Constitution Road, Meadowbank Rock Cut Face Widening Submissions(PDF, 112KB)
COR-RFT-07-23 Pedestrian Crossing Lighting Upgrade Submissions(PDF, 83KB)
COR-RFT-02-23  NSW Planning Portal Integration Project Submissions(PDF, 114KB)
COR-RFT-04-23 Constitution Road, Meadowbank Rock Cut Face Widening Submissions(PDF, 90KB)
COR-RFT- 03/23 Kissing Point Park Foreshore Protection Works  Submissions(PDF, 87KB)
COR-RFQ-01-23 City of Ryde Urban Design Review Panel (UDRP) Submissions(PDF, 91KB)
COR-RFT-10/22 Construction Services for New Synthetic Field at Meadowbank Park (LH Waud), Meadowbank Submissions(PDF, 91KB)
Cleaning Services for City of Ryde Facilities Submissions(PDF, 192KB)
Receival and Processing of Recyclable Material Submissions(PDF, 85KB)
COR-RFT-08/22 Geotechnical Investigation for Road Pavement Submissions(PDF, 116KB)
COR-RFT-07/22 Graffiti Management Services  Submissions(PDF, 148KB)
COR-RFT-05/22  Courier Services   Submissions(PDF, 109KB)
COR-RFT-02/22 Pickup and Lawful Disposal of Waste Soil Material  Submissions(PDF, 130KB)
COR-RFQ-13/22 Electrical Design Consultant Submissions(PDF, 68KB)

Supplier Interest Registration Form

The City of Ryde invites suppliers to register their interest by providing core business information to help us understand the nature and scope of the goods and services you offer. Once submitted, your details will be added to the City of Ryde's internal potential supplier database. Please note: This form is registering your interest only and does not guarantee future work or contacts with the City of Ryde.

Submit your Interest as a Supplier

Requests for Quotation

Council typically calls for quotes when the anticipated value of procurement is below $227,000 plus GST. RFQ’s are issued through Council’s E-Tendering System (TenderLink), eQuote system (VendorPanel) or via email. 

See more about the systems we use to buy to register your details and establish profiles so that you automatically receive information on open RFQ’s issued via TenderLink or VendorPanel and can be considered for inclusion in some select RFQ’s.

Systems we use to buy


TenderLink provides Council suppliers, contractors and other interested businesses easy access to a range of RFT, RFQ and EOI opportunities. To register your details and establish profiles to automatically receive information on RFT’s, EOI’s and RFQ’s issued by CoR, visit the TenderLink website.

If you require assistance with registering and customising your profile, please contact TenderLInk Help Desk on on 1800 233 533.

Vendor Panel

The e-Quote website provides Council suppliers, contractors and other interested businesses easy access to a range of RFQ opportunities. To register your details and establish profiles to automatically receive information on RFQ’s issued by CoR, visit the VendorPanel website.

If you require assistance with registering and customising your profile, please contact VendorPanel Help Desk on +61 3 9095 6181.

Email (Tenders and Contracts inbox)

Some closed RFQ’s are issued via email. To be considered for inclusion in these (and other select RFQ’s issued via TenderLink and VendorPanel), register your interest using City of Ryde Supplier Interest Registration Form.

Government Contracts Register

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52 (GIPA) Council must provide a Government Contracts Register. Read more about our GIPA Register.

More Information

Procurement Policy

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

How to Download an RFT, RFQ or EOI from TenderLink

The following document outlines how to download an RFT/RFQ/EOI for Council’s tendering portal.

How to Respond and Submit an Offer

The following document outlines how to respond to an RFT/RFQ/EOI and submit an offer to Council and the processes in evaluating offers received:

Evaluating Offers

The following document outlines how submissions are evaluated:

Frequently asked Questions

What is a Request for Tender or Expression of Interest?

A Request for Tendering is the formal process for the procurement of goods and services. Council is required by the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (NSW) to invite tenders for contracts that involve an estimated expenditure or receipt of an amount of $250,000 or greater (including GST).

Council may also choose to invite tenders where there is no legislative requirement to do so. Generally, we do this if:

  • tendering seems the most appropriate mechanism due to the complexity or nature of the items or service.
  • consolidation of items or services would be warranted.
  • Council has limited experience in a particular field for arranging for a service or item, or
  • we want to obtain a pool of potential providers.

Council may call for expressions of interest where there is no legislative requirement to invite tenders when we have less specific requirements and wish to consider a range of solution options that may be proposed by suppliers.

Where do I find Council Request for Tenders, Request for Quotations and Expression of Interests?

Council’s open public Request for Tender, Request for Quotations or Expressions of Interest are advertised on Council’s Tender and Contracts webpage and the City of Ryde TenderLink webpage.

How do I register my interest to become a supplier to Council?

Companies can register to received notification of Request for Tender, Request for Quotations or Expressions of Interest by clicking on the registration link on the City of Ryde TenderLink webpage.

Can I submit an Alternative Response?

A respondent can submit an alternative tender, however an alternative tender can only be included in the evaluation process if a conforming tender has also been submitted. The alternative tender must be submitted prior to the closing date of the request for tender.

Can I lobby Councillors and staff?

Any Respondents who improperly solicits support for its Tenders/Quotation/Expression of Interests or otherwise seeks to improperly influence the outcome of the process, including by:

  • offering any inducement, fee or reward to any member or officer of Council or to any Council’s Associate;
  • canvassing any member or officer of Council or to any Council’s Associate; or
  • contacting any member or officer of Council about the Tenders/Quotation/Expression of Interests or any process relating thereto, except as authorised by this Tenders/Quotation/Expression of Interests, including for the purposes of discussing the possible transfer to the employment of the Tenderer of such member or officer, may, in Council’s absolute discretion, be disqualified from any further involvement in the RFT process.

Is there an opportunity to negotiate the contract if I am awarded the tender?

After the offer has been accepted, there is no opportunity to negotiate the contract. Alternatives or variations to the terms of the tender must be submitted in full as part of your tender submission. However, if submitting alternatives or variations to the tender, you must ensure that you also submit a conforming tender.