Community Services Policies (show below) Access and Equity Policy(PDF, 382KB)Community Buildings Licensing Policy(PDF, 455KB)Community Gardens Policy(PDF, 196KB)Community Grants and Donations Policy(PDF, 199KB)
Conflict of Interest Policy (show below) Conflict of Interest Policy(PDF, 331KB)Conflicts of Interest Policy - Council-Related Development Applications(PDF, 251KB)
Councillors and Staff Policies (show below) Code of Conduct - Standards of Conduct(PDF, 518KB)Code of Conduct - Complaints Procedure(PDF, 391KB)Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy(PDF, 302KB)Councillor Discretionary Funds Policy(PDF, 197KB)Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy(PDF, 2MB)Gifts and Benefits Policy for Councillors and Staff(PDF, 630KB)Interface and Day to Day Oversight of the Chief Executive Officer by the Mayor including Mayor's Roles and Responsibilities(PDF, 302KB)Petitions Policy(PDF, 275KB)
Customer Service Policies (show below) Customer Service Charter(PDF, 139KB)Customer Feedback - Policy(PDF, 163KB)Customer Feedback - Procedure(PDF, 235KB)Managing Unreasonable Complainant Conduct - Policy(PDF, 205KB)Managing Unreasonable Complainant Conduct - Procedure(PDF, 909KB)
Enforcement Policies (show below) Enforcement of Parking Policy(PDF, 244KB)Enforcement Policy(PDF, 96KB)Enforcement Policy and Guideline - Boarding Houses(PDF, 365KB)Enforcement Policy - Building Works Compliance(PDF, 99KB)Enforcement Policy - Environmental Incidents from Building and Construction Sites(PDF, 107KB)Enforcement Policy - Public Health Investigations(PDF, 101KB)
Environment Policies (show below) Contaminated Land Policy(PDF, 421KB)Biosecurity Weeds Policy(PDF, 197KB)
Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy (show below) Fraud and Corruption Prevention - Policy(PDF, 245KB)Fraud and Corruption Prevention - Strategy(PDF, 340KB)