Housing Strategy
The City of Ryde Council, on 8 December 2020, adopted the City of Ryde Local Housing Strategy 2020 to provide the basis for housing delivery to meet the future needs of the Ryde community. The Local Housing Strategy is one of the key actions required by Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement – Planning Ryde.
Councils in the Sydney Metropolitan Area are also required to deliver Local Housing Strategies and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment sets housing targets for Local Government Areas through their approval. The Department approved the City of Ryde Local Housing Strategy on 9 September 2021(PDF, 330KB).
The City of Ryde Local Housing Strategy (the Strategy) is an important document to assist with the implementation of Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement – Planning Ryde. The Strategy, itself, does not amend the planning controls for the Ryde Local Government Area (LGA). Rather, the Strategy provides the evidence base for making changes to Planning Controls. Proposals that are not consistent with the Strategy will be more difficult to justify support.
The Strategy reviews the existing State and Local Planning Policies and strategic context related to housing so that the base framework set by the State Government is followed. The Strategy then refers to the LGA context and includes:
- Alignment with the requirements of the Local Strategic Planning Statement – Planning Ryde,
- A demographic overview of the Ryde LGA,
- Assesses the future housing needs for the Ryde LGA, and
- Considers the theoretical and actual development potential for different housing densities in the LGA.
The Strategy has then:
- Developed housing delivery options/actions for Council to consider housing future populations,
- Tested those options with various stakeholders by using community consultation for the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and other community workshops, and
- Proposes some key directions for housing delivery in the Ryde LGA.
The Strategy key directions are summarised in the following diagram.
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