Morrison Bay Park Plan of Management
Morrison Bay Park is a district level sporting facility and a highly valued area of foreshore open space located in Putney. The Park is a combination of Crown Land, managed under the Crown Lands Act 1989 and Community Land, managed under the Local Government Act 1993. It is zoned specifically for open space / recreation in the Ryde Planning Scheme Ordinance. Within the boundary of Morrison Bay Park is the Putney - Tennyson Bowling and Community Club.
The Morrison Bay Park Plan of Management has been prepared to guide the future development and management of the Park in response to the needs and values of the local community and the users of the Park. When adopted by Council and the New South Wales Land and Property Management Authority (LPMA), this plan of management will replace the current generic plan applicable to Morrison Bay Park.
Preparation of this Plan of Management involved consultation with stakeholders (government, sporting groups), and with the community at an open day in October 2008. The Draft Plan of Management was placed on public exhibition in September and October 2009 and the feedback received during this period has been included in this Plan of Management.
This Plan of Management provides a strategic planning and sustainable management framework to conserve the Parks natural, cultural and indigenous resources; and to promote public recreation, leisure, sport and tourism. Management actions are recommended to meet current and future demands of Park users. Management actions outlined in Part 6 will improve the quality of the park, respond to the needs of the community, satisfy management objectives and reinforce the values of the Park.
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