Westminster Park Masterplan

Westminster Park Masterplan

Westminster Park is located in Gladesville. It is a level 2 park with a sportsground, some passive parkland elements and community facilities. It is well utilised by the community predominately for sporting use but also includes recreation and passive uses. The parkland is a former quarry site and includes a variety of existing established vegetation. 

The purpose of this Masterplan is to provide Council with a framework for how the park will be maintained and upgraded in the short to medium term. The aim of this Masterplan is to provide a strategic plan that takes into consideration the current and future needs of the community and user groups, while ensuring a sustainable and efficient use and ecological outcomes.

Stage 1 of community consultation for this masterplan was completed between 12 June and 17 July 2019. Information obtained from the first stage of consultation provided community feedback on Westminster Park, its sports field surface, the former scout hall site and was used to inform the draft Masterplan prepared for Stage 2 community consultation.

Stage 2 community consultation was completed between 23 October and 17 November 2019, during which the draft Masterplan was presented to the community for their feedback. Council has given the feedback received during the Stage 2 community consultation careful consideration. This information has been used to inform the strategic planning for this project and the final Masterplan contained within this report and presented to Council for adoption.

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