Field of Mars Reserve Masterplan


City of Ryde Council (Council) has a diverse network of open space that covers various levels of recreation use. The Field of Mars Reserve (the Reserve) is the largest remnant bushland reserve under the care, control and management of the City of Ryde covering approximately 50 hectares. 

The Reserve is located in East Ryde and it is bounded by Cressy Road, Buffalo Creek, Pittwater Road, Moncrieff Drive, Finch Avenue and Kellaway Street. The Reserve forms part of a wider open space system and habitat corridor network which includes, the Field of Mars Cemetery to the west and linkage parks such as Pidding, Barton and Burrows Parks and to the east, the Lane Cove National Park (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service) and Buffalo Creek Reserve (Hunters Hill Council).

The Reserve was established as a Reserve for Public Recreation and Promotion of the Study and the Preservation of Native Flora and Fauna in 1975. Council has been the appointed Trustee of the Reserve since 1988. The Reserve is a Wildlife Refuge under the NPWS Act 1974 and is nominated as a Wildlife Protection Area under the Companion Animals Act 1998 (CAA). Cats and dogs are excluded from the Reserve at all times.

The Reserve is valued as a significant wildlife refuge. The environmental values of the reserve are paramount and underpin the management protocol for the Reserve. The Reserve represents an intact transition of ecological communities from upper Shale areas to lower wetland areas.

The purpose of this Masterplan is to:

  • To locate new and existing facilities such as boardwalks, walking tracks, amenities building, signage etc in a coherent and considered manner
  • Review and develop a walking trail hierarchy
  • Identify how the Reserve will be upgraded over the next 20 years.
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