To support the community affected by the storms, West Ryde Library will be open for extended hours on Sunday 19 January from 9.30am - 5.00pm. Come in to recharge your devices and yourselves.
In response to the community aspirations identified in the Community Strategic Plan, Ryde 2028, Council is required to put in place plans to advance those aspirations with the resources it has at its disposal. Council has prepared what is called a ‘Resourcing Strategy’ which considers the assets, people, technology and financial resources necessary to deliver Ryde 2028.
This Resourcing Strategy highlights any major resource challenges with achieving Council’s share of actions and proposes solutions to those challenges. Importantly, this strategy also outlines any scenarios and key assumptions considered in developing the Resource Plans. This Resource Strategy is supported by four component plans; the Strategic Asset Management Plan (including Sub Plans), Workforce Plan, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Plan and Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP).
Four Year Delivery Plan