Integrated Transport Strategy 2041


The Integrated Transport Strategy 2041 (the Strategy) represents a new direction for the City of Ryde. The Strategy explores the future of local transport and land use, examining the impacts of a growing population and an expanding economy. The Strategy seeks to align with recent Sydney-wide transport and land use plans, including Future Transport 2056 and Greater Sydney Service and Infrastructure Plan 2056, whilst setting the framework to ensure major projects are considered for delivery earlier.

A ‘balanced’ mix of 58 priority transport projects is proposed, including active transport (walking and cycling), public transport and road projects. Recommended transport projects range from medium sized local area improvements right through to large infrastructure projects. Opportunities to use technology to influence the way we travel are also explored. Some of these projects are for delivery, while others are identified for further investigation.

Importantly, the Strategy considers how projects might be funded and who should lead them. While some projects are already in development and delivery, the Strategy aims to find ways to have much needed transport projects built sooner than may otherwise be the case.   

The Strategy builds on Council’s previously adopted transport and land use strategies, identifying and prioritising major transport infrastructure and services that will improve the customer experience and sustainably accommodate future demand.

The Strategy adopts a ‘movement and place’ approach, focusing on maximising the efficiency of people movement (over vehicle movement) and achieving outcomes that make successful places. The Strategy seeks to increase alternatives to car use for all types of trips.

Council actively engaged with the community on the key strategies and projects outlined in the document.

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