Economic Development Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

The City of Ryde Economic Development Strategy was adopted by Council on 23 July 2024.

Our Economic Development Strategy reinforces the City’s long-standing economic vision of having “a resilient economy that fosters innovation, attracts investment, and celebrates diversity.” Our Strategy has a strong focus on delivering key outcomes such as attracting new investment and delivering more infrastructure. 

This Strategy adopts a contemporary outcomes-based approach to economic development and establishes eight economic outcomes that will guide the efforts of Council staff over the long term, while allowing for a more agile approach to annual economic development activities. The eight outcomes are:

  1. Job Growth
  2. Business Expansion
  3. Investment Attraction
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. Innovation
  6. Infrastructure
  7. Workforce Development
  8. Quality of Life Improvement

To support the implementation of this Strategy, Council has produced an Economic Development Action Plan, guiding the economic development activities for 2024-25. 

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