Extraordinary Council Meeting Summary – 15 August 2023

Published on 16 August 2023


Council held an extraordinary meeting on 15 August 2023. The following is a summary of outcomes from the meeting.

Matter of Urgency – proposed development of North Ryde Common

Council resolved to condemn the State Government’s plan to redevelop the North Ryde Common for high-density residential as revealed by a media article on 10 August. It further resolved to recommit Council to oppose any plans that reduce or diminish the public’s access to green space in Ryde. Council noted that North Ryde Common is not only a mental health facility but also home to the second largest Christmas Carols in Sydney and encouraged all Councillors and community members to sign the SaveMacquarieHospital.com petition. The Mayor will write to Ryde State MP Jordan Lane and Lane Cove State MP Anthony Roberts to advocate the Council and community’s position to the Premier and Planning Minister. In addition, Council resolved to conduct a workshop with Councillors to identify Council-owned parking lots and similar parcels of land to use as affordable housing, to work with local Community Housing Providers to identify further potential affordable housing sites in the City of Ryde, and that Council commits to finding solutions to our housing crisis.

Mayoral Minute – live sites for the FIFA Women’s World Cup

Council resolved that staff liaise with Top Ryde City shopping centre management to partner in the provision of a live site for the remaining Australian Matildas matches in the FIFA Women’s World Cup in August 2023. It further resolved to fund any partner activities from within the Community Services base budget, to promote the Top Ryde City live site to the community, and to continue promoting other live screening venues in the City of Ryde.


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