Council Meeting summary - 27 February 2024
Published on 01 March 2024
Council held a meeting on Tuesday 27 February. The following is a summary of outcomes from the meeting:
Announcement by the Mayor, Clr Sarkis Yedelian OAM
The Mayor announced that after 20 years serving the City of Ryde he will not be a participant in the 14 September 2024 NSW Local Government elections. Clr Yedelian further announced that he will soon step down as Mayor, with an election of a new Mayor by City of Ryde councillors to be held at a date to be determined.
Condolences and acknowledgements
The City of Ryde acknowledged the passing of Elizabeth (Betty) Willis and issued condolences to her family.
Clr Maggio thanked Council staff for all their efforts with the renovations at Magdala Park.
Mayoral Minute – Code of Meeting practice
Council will amend Part 4 of the Code of Meeting Practice – Written Submissions from the Public to alter the date for written submissions to be received from midday on the Friday prior to the meeting date to midday on the day of the meeting. The submissions can be completed and submitted online via Council’s website and must identify the item of business on the meeting Agenda, the subject of the written submission. Council considers the amendment to not be substantial and accordingly public exhibition is not required.
Mayoral Minute – streetlights, Rennie Street, North Ryde
Council staff will undertake the necessary steps to ensure that repairs to the broken streetlight in Rennie Street are made as quickly as possible. A system will be put in place to ensure repairs required to Council streetlight assets in future can be made without the need to enter into a separate procurement process.
Australian Local Government Women’s Association NSW annual conference
Council will consider Clr Pedersen’s request to attend the 2024 Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA) NSW Annual Conference on 14-16 March 2024, including attendance fees and other associated expenses. Council will also determine whether other Councillors are to attend, and if so, who are to be the nominated participants.
Penalties for illegal removal of vegetation
Council noted the current fines applicable for unlawful tree and vegetation related matters are as follows:
a. Tier 1 penalty maximum up to $5 million (corporation), $1 million (individual)
b. Tier 2 maximum up to $2 million (corporation), $500,000 (individual).
c. Penalty Infringement Notices (PINs) maximum is $6,000 (corporation) and $3,000 (individual), with no increases since 2017.
Council staff will prepare a report for State Government, supporting an increase in the current fines structure as a means of effectively deterring lesser offences such as tree vandalism and removal.
Establishment of Parkrun in the City of Ryde
Council noted that an investigation process identified Macquarie University as the most suitable site to host Parkrun Australia events within the City of Ryde. Council will continue liaising with Macquarie University to assist the establishment of a 5km Parkrun event within the university campus grounds in 2024. It will also continue investigating the potential for using the Riverside Walk from Kissing Point Park to Anderson Park to establish a Parkrun event. Council further noted that Parkrun Australia has indicated an initial startup cost of $7000 is required to establish an event and this initial startup cost can be accommodated within existing Parks and Open Spaces budget in the 2023/24 financial year.
Macquarie Park Innovation District Rezoning Proposal
Council resolved not to support the draft City of Ryde submission to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure’s Stage 1 Rezoning Proposal for the Macquarie Park Innovation District as the City of Ryde has already well met and exceeded housing targets over many years. Council noted that a counteroffer to deliver over 38,000 new dwellings (or deliver more housing than the Rezoning Proposal) in the City of Ryde had not been endorsed by Council or by the local community.
Council will submit an amended City of Ryde submission reflecting the following:
1.The rejection of the Minns Labor Government’s one size fits all planning policy, noting that City of Ryde already has plans to meet and beat the 8,100 new homes in a progressive manner across the city.
2. Request the State Government to fund the following infrastructure and policy recommendations in order to meet the current and future needs of a growing community:
a) Protect jobs at Macquarie Park through the Innovation SEPP.
b) Additional funding for Ryde Hospital.
c) An additional primary and high school in Macquarie Park.
d) Funding to acquire TG Millner Fields for community open space to meet demand from the growing population.
e) Assist with the development of the Ryde Civic Centre, including building a performance hall.
f) A new community centre in Eastwood and a new car park on the western side of Eastwood town centre.
g) Update to the Macquarie Health Hospital as a mental health facility.
h) Widen Victoria Road.
3. Omit making any counteroffer to deliver 38,000 new dwellings in the City of Ryde.
Council endorsed the CEO acting on behalf of Council to bring effect to the amended submission’s recommendations for Stage 1 and to work with the NSW Government to ensure Stage 2 is consistent with Council’s Stage 1 recommendations. Council further resolved to collaborate with the NSW Government on the amended submission if they agree with the City of Ryde and report back at Council’s April 2024 ordinary meeting. The CEO will recirculate a draft amended submission to all councillors prior to the submission deadline.
Ryde Central – proposed open space
Council resolved to instruct staff to provide further information on costings for proposed open space at the Ryde Central site based on the following scenarios:
a) A base case. No amenities on site – covered in grass versus covered in concrete.
b) Mid case: Plants with minor structural covering and seats in addition to base.
c) Top tier case: further lighting and features in addition to mid case.
Council noted that the hole at the Ryde Central site presents a health hazard for residents and cannot be left in its present state and therefore a resolution of the matter is urgent.
Precis of correspondence
Council noted the receipt of correspondence from Neighbourhood Watch Rhodes and the Federal Minister for Transport.
Youth Theatre
A workshop will be held with Councillors regarding the Ryde Youth Theatre program before calling for tenders.
Community Energy Upgrades Fund
Council staff will identify potentially suitable community facilities for energy upgrades, with a focus on steps that could be taken to transition Ryde Aquatic and Leisure Centre (along with other Council spaces) from gas to electricity and heat pumps. Council will also make an application for a grant from the Federal Government under Round 1 of the Community Energy Upgrades Fund and the application will be made before the deadline of 30 April 2024.
Disability standards for accessible public transport
Council will prepare a report and a Councillor workshop outlining:
a) The requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1992 as it pertains to accessible public transport.
b) The City of Ryde exemption application submission and the Commission’s reasons for refusal.
c) The ramifications for City of Ryde for not complying with the Act and what this will cost Council.
d) An indication on how other hilly councils with legacy infrastructure who might have been granted exemptions or what they did in order to comply.
e) What Council is now doing to try and meet the requirements of the DDA section 55/33a.1.
f) The number of non-compliant bus stops that are still to be addressed.
g) A copy of where this information about the exemption application was shared with councillors in 2022 or in the 22/23 Annual Report.
h) Whether there is a list of non-complying bus stops on Council’s website to warn people with mobility issues and their carers that there is an access issue.
Anderson Park pedestrian safety enhancements
Council staff will investigate and report back within two months of the 28 February meeting on the installation of a pedestrian crossing at Belmore Street, Meadowbank, possible solutions to reducing noise from speeding cars, and enhancing the safety of children by enclosing the Anderson Park equipment.
Supporting local food trucks
Council staff will investigate and report back to Council within three months of the 28 February meeting on the number of car parks/streets suitable for food trucks and whether safety enhancements such as elevated steps or clear ways could be added on a trial basis for some car parks to make food trucks more accessible. Staff will also investigate the development of a food truck policy that includes local food truck providers having priority access to City of Ryde events.
To view the minutes of the meeting, click here