Council meeting summary - 23 May 2023
Published on 26 May 2023
Council held a meeting on 23 May 2023. The following is a summary of the outcomes from the meeting:
Matter of urgency – Cork & Fork rescheduling
Council resolved to restage the popular Cork & Fork food and wine festival at an appropriate time later in 2023 after dangerous high winds at the Kissing Point Park, Putney, site forced its cancellation on Sunday 21 May. Council will apologise to ratepayers, stall holders, artists and sponsors and will explore options for compensation of affected stakeholders. Consultation will be undertaken with all residents on the future location of Cork & Fork events from 2024 onwards, including but not limited to the suitability of Morrison Bay Park, Putney Park and dedicated event-day utilisation of Pellisier Road and Frances Road, Putney.
Matter of urgency – significant capital works projects updates
Council will identify all significant capital works projects throughout the City of Ryde that are worth at least $1 million or are overdue, including start and estimated finish dates. The significant projects will be regularly updated in a bimonthly capital works report made available to Councillors with options for an online version for residents to access to be investigated.
Mayoral Minute - Emergency Services Levy
The Mayor will write to NSW Premier Chris Minns, Treasurer Daniel Mookey, Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig, and Emergency Services Minister Jihad Dib to advise how the extra cost of the Emergency Services Levy (ESL) without a government subsidy would affect City of Ryde. There will be further requests that the subsidy be restored this year, that the ESL be decoupled from rates, and that the Government finds a better way to fund the emergency services functions. The Mayor will also write to State Member for Ryde Jordan Lane and State Member for Lane Cove Anthony Roberts asking for their support.
Mayoral Minute – after hours contact details at Council properties
All Council premises will have signage installed by the end of September 2023 providing a QR Code that details who to contact to report issues during both working hours and after hours. The QR code will identify the Council asset so that the location of the incident is clear. A report will be brought to the October 2023 Council Meeting detailing the action taken.
Mayoral Minute – Italian Migrants of Ryde book launch
The Mayor will host a morning tea for the organising committee and interested Councillors to thank them for their efforts with the compilation of the book A One-Way Ticket: Italian Migrants of Ryde 1860-1960.
Mayoral Minute – welcome to the Prime Minister of India
Council noted the recent three-day Australian visit by Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and its importance to the large cohort of Indian residents living in the City of Ryde.
Mayoral Minute – Waste Summit
Following the Mayor’s attendance at a Waste Summit convened by the Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) on behalf of Resilient Sydney, Council resolved to work with other Sydney councils on reducing waste, improving environmental outcomes where waste is processed, and finding solutions for the left-over residue.
March quarterly budget review and Operational Plan progress report
Council endorsed the proposed budget variations detailed in this report.
Hiring of apprentices and trainees by Council
Council will investigate increasing the number of apprentices in the City of Ryde in the next financial year and look at ways to promote and engage with local businesses, including Macquarie University, to explore opportunities to promote the local government sector.
Heritage assistance grant applications
Council supported five applications to Round 3 of the Local Heritage Assistance Fund, which will receive a combined total of $65,785.90 from the Heritage Grants Reserve.
Land rezoning
Council will rezone land at 2 Thistle Street, Ryde – the former Meadowbank Public School – from SP2 (Educational Establishment) to RE1 Public Recreation, and include a Centre Based Child Care facility as an additional permitted use.
Ryde Swimming Academy
Council noted that the CSIRO, landowner of the sporting facility at Newbigin Close, North Ryde, had made Ryde Swimming Academy – which sublet the site from its former tenant - an offer to take up a lease for the pool and gym, or the pool only, but did not receive a response.
Facilities Booking Software contract
Pursuant to Section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council will not invite tenders for the procurement of Facilities Booking Software and authorises an extension of the current contract with Bookable for 12-month terms for each of the next three years.
Consulting Services contracts
Pursuant to section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council will not invite tenders for Consultancy Services related to the Ryde Central Project and authorises contracts with Haron Robson Australia Pty Ltd and LCI Consulting.
Morrison Bay sediment
Council will arrange an onsite meeting at low tide to discuss an emerging environmental problem at Morrison Bay. Federal Member of Bennelong Jerome Laxale, State Member for Lane Cove Anthony Roberts, City of Ryde Mayor, Councillors, and staff, as well as a number of environmental bodies and experts will be invited. Depending on the outcomes of the meeting, Council will request the State Government to undertake a detailed study examining the factors causing this environmental problem.
Social Responsibility Program
Council will investigate the opportunity to provide staff with one day of leave per year to undertake volunteer work within the City of Ryde.
Council briefing questions
Questions asked by Councillors during the Council briefing prior to the Council Meeting will be reported to Councillors by direct email via the Helpdesk within three days.
Cost of living relief
City of Ryde staff will provide a report of current cost of living savings offered by Council for residents in all life stages, as well as small business, and make sure they be easily accessible on the Council website and through social media channels. Staff will also investigate opportunities for further savings for people in all life stages in line with the FY2023/24 budget process.
Meadowbank pedestrian crossing
Council will investigate the delivery of a formalised pedestrian crossing at the corner of See Street and Angas Street, Meadowbank, as a matter of urgency.
Warringah Freeway Upgrade support site
Councillors will be provided with an update through the Councillor Information Bulletin on modification to the state-significant Warringah Freeway Upgrade infrastructure project, including the proposed use of Porters Creek Depot at 162 Wicks Road, Macquarie Park, as a support site.
Aboriginal Voice to Parliament Referendum
Council noted the Federal Labor Government’s proposed Constitutional Referendum and will return a report at the July meeting outlining opportunities to increase civic engagement and participation in the referendum.
Shrimptons Creek wildlife corridor
To minimise disruption and damage to the flora and fauna on the banks of the creek at Santa Rosa Park, North Ryde, Council will instal signage along the path on the south-east side of the creek stating the pathway is an ‘on leash’ area. Council staff will also investigate the opportunity to implement interpretive signage at suitable locations, creating an awareness of the small bird habitat corridor, and to instal additional water bubblers within the park.
To view the minutes of the Council meeting, click here.