Council Meeting summary – 22 August 2023
Published on 25 August 2023
Council held a meeting on 22 August 2023. The following is a summary of the outcomes from the meeting:
Mayoral Minute: Humanitarian Support – Artsakh
Council resolved to establish a ‘Mayor’s Appeal for Artsakh’ to provide much needed humanitarian aid to the Armenians of Artsakh and Artsakh refugees, through the Armenian Relief Society of Australia. It will donate $1,500 to launch the appeal, which will be open between 1 September and 15 September 2023. Council further calls on the Federal Government to support an immediate end to the blockade and for the urgent delivery of Australian humanitarian aid to the region.
Condolences and acknowledgements
Council noted the recent passing of Labor Party stalwart and former Ryde Citizen of the Year Joy Piotrowski.
June Quarterly Review Report
Council resolved that the proposed variations FY22/23 carryover funds and proposed movements in reserves as detailed in attachments 1 & 2 be adopted. It also resolved that the June 2023 Quarterly Review Report (Four Year delivery Plan 2022-26 and One Year 2022-23 Operational Plan) for quarter four be received and adopted.
2023 Local Government NSW Annual Conference
Council will nominate Councillors Pedersen and Purcell and any other Councillors who are registering to attend the 2023 Local Government NSW Conference on 12-14 November as voting delegates for Ryde. Council noted that the CEO will determine which Council staff will attend the conference.
Community Grants Program
Council endorsed 13 eligible applications for 2023 Small Grants funding, round 2, totalling $31,688.
Installation of a pedestrian safety rail in East Ryde
Council will defer approval of the installation of a galvanised handrail along the centre of the whole 75m length of the accessway from the Elliot Avenue footpath to the Melba Drive footpath given it delays other projects already planned from the funds within the 2023/24 footpath construction renewal program. Council staff will provide options for Councillors to raise this project through the Councillor bid process or add to the next operational plan.
Traffic and parking matters
The following recommendations from the July 2023 Traffic Committee meeting were endorsed by Council:
• Rowe Lane, Eastwood: Council will install painted islands on Railway Parade on either side of Rowe Lane, a ‘Give Way’ sign and holding line 1.7m from the face of the kerb, and 5m long double barrier lines.
• Charles Street, Putney: Subject to the availability of funds, the roundabout at the intersection of Charles Street and Parry Street will be reconstructed to incorporate a raised central island. Splitter islands will be reconstructed into concrete islands, additional roundabout warning signs will be installed, and traffic calming devices will be installed on Charles Street, north of Parry Street, and on Parry Street, east of Charles Street.
• See Street, Meadowbank: Subject to the availability of funds, a raised pedestrian crossing will be installed on See Street to the south of Stone Street.
• Vimiera Road, Marsfield: A 50m long ‘No Parking 8.00am-9.30am – School Days’ zone will be installed on the western side of Vimiera Road, approximately 50m north of Epping Road.
Eastwood Town Centre
Council noted that a report was delivered in response to a Mayoral Minute at the 25 July 2023 meeting regarding the Eastwood Town Centre. The report summarised that the Eastwood Town Centre Renewal Strategy is being developed and the matters raised by the Mayoral Minute will be considered further as part of that development. Further, a series of workshops will be held with Councillors over the next 6-12 months to consider the strategy’s progress.
Precis of Correspondence
A letter from State Member for Ryde, Jordan Lane MP, regarding the impact on Council of the proposed increase to the Emergency Services Levy was received and noted.
Pedestrian bridge connecting Vimiera Road and Essex Street, Eastwood
After the receipt of a petition from residents of Ryde and Parramatta local government areas requesting an upgrade of the pedestrian bridge that links Vimiera Road and Essex Street, Council resolved that staff collaborate with Parramatta Council in investigating the feasibility of replacing or upgrading the bridge. A report will then be prepared for Council on the findings.
Car sharing scheme
Council will review the utilisation of all car share spaces approved at the meetings on 13 December 2022 and 4 April 2023 over a 12-month period in accordance with Council’s adopted Car Share Guidelines and Policy. If the review finds any care share space is underutilised, Council will consider either removing the space or moving it to another location within 12-months, subject to public consultation.
Installation of seats around Lardelli Park pond
Council will investigate the installation of unused seats in good condition around Lardelli Park pond to accommodate visitors from the rehabilitation centre and local residents. A report will be presented to Council in September 2023 and, subject to the findings, the seats will be funded from Councillor Maggio’s project bids budget and installed in October 2023.
Review into Valuer General determinations
Council noted that the Valuer General’s land valuation timing has negatively impacted residents across Ryde and that a significant increase in rates has occurred for a portion of them, despite the Council approving a below inflation rate increase. It resolved that the Mayor writes to the NSW Government calling on it to review the Valuer General responsibilities and timeliness of valuations, and to extend the objection period given the inflationary period and fall in housing prices.
Women’s sport in Ryde
Council resolved to review the Sportsground Amenities Audit presented in June 2022 with consideration given to relevant governing bodies facility guidelines for female sports participation. When funding is identified for implementation of the City of Ryde Sports Field Action Plan it will incorporate elements in the design and construction of facilities that meet the needs of female participants. A report will be delivered by the end of 2023.
West Ryde Public School Kiss and Ride Shelter
Council will assist West Ryde Public School’s principal with the installation of a shelter by granting access to the footpath on Mons Avenue, signposted as the Kiss and Ride section for the school, in an effort to have the project approved before December 2023.
Building healthy cost-efficient homes
Staff will provide a report to Council by the October 2023 meeting that explores the opportunity to emulate planning changes adopted by Waverley and Parramatta Councils to achieve all-electric new residential and commercial development across the municipality.
Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure
Staff will provide a report by the October 2023 Council Meeting that explores Council-owned and commercial EV charging already available to ratepayers, and the assets in Council’s existing EV fleet. The report will also detail Council’s current plans for providing new Council-owned EV chargers and details of any expressions of interest from commercial EV charging providers in building new charging infrastructure in Ryde. It will further investigate Federal and State funding opportunities for Council to increase its provision of public EV charging and growing Council’s EV fleet, as well as a plan for Council to mandate that EV charging provisions be made in all new multi dwelling developments.
Strategising City of Ryde’s evening economy
Staff will prepare a report to Council on opportunities available for the City of Ryde to attain funding to develop an updated city-wide evening economy strategy.
To view the minutes of the Council Meeting, click here