Council Meeting summary - 27 June 2023

Published on 04 July 2023

Council Meeting
Mayoral Minute

Council noted the presence of Mayor Giorgio Imperitura from Martone Calabria in its Chambers and thanked him for visiting the City of Ryde.

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Council will consider the public submissions and responses to the Four-Year Delivery Program 2022-2026, including the One Year Operational Plan 2023/24. It will adopt the proposed Program and Plan, the FY23/24 Fees and Charges Schedule, the levy of Rates for FY23/24 and will fix its interest charge on overdue rates at 9% per annum from 1 July 2023-30 June 2024.

Mayoral and Councillor fees

Council resolved that there will be no increase to either Mayoral or Councillor fees for 2023/24.

Related Party Disclosures Policy and Guidelines

An updated version of the 2017 Policy and Guidelines in line with City of Ryde’s new organisational structure will be adopted.

Sports Fields Action Plan

Council will adopt the amended City of Ryde Sports Field Action Plan – Towards 2036, with future projects subject to the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to assess the environmental impact of the proposed works. Further, feasibility investigations for increasing the active recreation capacity at Waterloo Park will be prioritised and undertaken this calendar year.

Keeping our waterways clean

Council will maintain the current cleaning frequency of street gutters, stormwater pits and gross pollutant traps (GPTs), ensuring optimal performance while finding and implementing efficiencies where practicable. Education campaigns will be conducted to increase awareness in the community and staff will identify sites that produce more loose organic matter during increasing adverse weather events and raise the current cleaning frequency of gutters, stormwater pits and GPTs at these sites.

Melrose Park traffic assessment

Council will continue to advocate for City of Parramatta Council, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, and Transport for NSW to deliver upgrades to the intersection of Victoria Road and Wharf Road, Melrose Park.

Tesserent Data Centre Hosting tender

Council will not invite tenders for the procurement of the Data Centre, cloud hosting, and network services and authorises the CEO or his representative to extend the current contract for 18 months.

Ryde Central consultancy tenders

Council will not invite tenders for consultancy services related to the Ryde Central project and authorises the CEO to enter into contracts with LCI Consulting and Haron Robson.

Traffic and Parking matters

The following recommendations from the May 2023 Traffic Committee meeting will be adopted:

  • Progress Avenue, Eastwood: The existing full-time ‘Mail Zone’ will become a ‘Mail Zone, 12pm-4pm Mon-Fri’ and ‘Loading Zone, all other times’. The existing four ‘P5 Mins, 8am-6pm, Mon-Sun’ parking spaces will be converted to ‘1/2P, 8am-6pm, Mon-Sun and Public Holidays’.
  • Gladstone Avenue and Morrison Road, Ryde: Two ‘No Stopping’ signs and a ‘Give Way’ hold line will be relocated and repositioned. Double barrier lines will be shortened by 3m.
  • Vimiera Road, Marsfield: The existing ‘Keep Clear’ zone will be extended by 4m at the intersection of Dayman Place and Vimiera Road.
  • Curtis Street, Ryde: A 2.5m long unrestricted parking space at 13 Curtis Street will be converted to ‘Motorbikes Only’; a ‘No Parking’ zone at 13 and 15 Curtis Street will be converted to ‘No Stopping’.
  • Porter Street, Ryde: Five spaces at 29-31 Porter Street will be converted from ‘2P Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm’ to ‘2P Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Saturday 8am-12pm’.
  • Talavera Road, Macquarie Park: A 35m X 0.6m raised median island will be installed in the centre of Talavera Road at its intersection with proposed Road 22.
  • Charles Street, Ryde: Several parking changes will be made, subject to a detailed design assessment.
  • Perkins Street and Driver Street, Denistone West: 10 ‘No Stopping’ zones will be installed at the intersection of Perkins Street and Driver Street as well as 5m long double barrier lines.
Playground Softfall at Ryde Park

Council resolved that renewal works in the Ryde Park playground commence in July 2023, if practicable, with the community to be kept informed via Council’s media channels.

Putney Bowling Club

Council staff will investigate the possibility of entering a new lease with Putney Bowling Club and report back to Council in August 2023 outlining all relevant information and other opportunities available.

Review of social media advertising options

Council staff will review the expenditure and effectiveness of current community related advertising on social media and identify any savings opportunities while maintaining effective communication.

Second Marsfield Reservoir

The CEO will write to Sydney Water conveying the concerns of Marsfield residents living in Abuklea Road, Yamba Close, Agincourt Road, and Summit Close regarding the planned construction of a second reservoir at 37 Abuklea Road.

Diwali Lights Competition

Council will organise a Diwali Lights Competition in the City of Ryde, with a special emphasis on using energy-efficient solar lights for the decorations. This initiative will promote sustainability, community engagement and cultural celebration during the festive season of Diwali.

Illegally removed trees

Council staff will prepare a report on illegal tree removal in the City of Ryde that contains the total number of complaints from residents regarding illegal removals between 2017-2023, the number of those complaints that were investigated and validated and what fines were issued. The report will also explain what is involved in an illegal tree removal investigation, what sort of evidence is required to issue a fine and detail the largest fine issued by City of Ryde.

Street address confusion

Council will write to NSW Planning Minister The Hon. Paul Scully MP requesting a review of the street address allocation process, so it is standardised and clear for Council staff, developers, emergency services and residents. Three different subdivisions in Edmondson Street, North Ryde, will be referred to Spatial Services NSW for an independent review.

Impact of roaming cats on native wildlife

Council will write to NSW Local Government Minister The Hon. Ron Hoenig MP and Local Government Shadow Minister Wendy Tuckerman MP calling for changes to the Companion Animal Act 1998 to allow local government to introduce cat containment policies in consultation with the local community.

Safety at Flinders Road Village Shops

Council will investigate pedestrian safety at the newly constructed footpath on the southern side of Flinders Road near the shops and take appropriate measures if high risk is identified, subject to funding and Ryde Traffic Committee approval.

Parking in Meadowbank precinct

Council will investigate the on-street parking demand on Richard Johnson Drive, Bowden Street, Thorn Street, and Robert Street and develop appropriate options for changes to unrestricted parking after community consultation.

TG Millner Field

Council will reaffirm its commitment to protecting green open space for community use and will write to each City of Ryde Councillor asking whether they stand by their previous commitment to ‘take any and all steps necessary’ to protect TG Millner.

View the minutes of the Council Meeting

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