Council Meeting summary – 27 August 2024

Published on 29 August 2024


Council held a meeting on Tuesday 27 August. The following is a summary of outcomes from the meeting:

Recognition of Service

The Chief Executive Officer, Wayne Rylands, thanked and congratulated the current serving Councillors for their contribution and dedication to their role during their tenure with the City of Ryde and presented each Councillor with a Recognition of Service certificate.

Clr Sarkis Yedelian OAM

Clr Yedelian, who is retiring at the end of this Council term, received acknowledgement from the Mayor, Clr Trenton Brown, for 20 years’ service as a City of Ryde Councillor, Deputy Mayor, and Mayor. He received a Recognition of Service certificate from the Office of Local Government (OLG), as well as a medal from the OLG and farewell gifts from Council.

Mayoral Minute – Edna Wilde OAM

Council observed a one-minute silence and noted the passing of former Ryde Mayor Edna Wilde, OAM, and her contribution to the City of Ryde’s Council and community.

Mayoral Minute – Mayor for a Day

Staff will provide a report to Council investigating the feasibility, including the financial implications, of carrying out any of the 10 proposals put forward by local school students during the recent Mayor for a Day event held in Council Chambers. Staff will also liaise with each of the schools involved to provide appropriate advice on the respective ideas tabled at the event.

 Mayoral Minute – planting of 2,000 new trees

Council approved the planting of 2,000 new trees and plants within the City of Ryde over the next 12 months to significantly increase urban tree coverage and address the reduction observed since 2017. Council staff will develop and implement a detailed planting strategy, including the selection of suitable species, planting locations, and a maintenance plan to ensure the long-term health of the newly planted trees. Council will also engage the community through workshops, education campaigns, and volunteer planting days to foster a sense of ownership and participation in the greening of our city.

Mayoral Minute – City of Ryde Community Tree Day 

Council will instigate a City of Ryde Tree Day, to be celebrated bi-annually. It will collaborate with local small businesses interested in partnering with Council to reduce costs for ratepayers. It will also develop a strategy for promoting City of Ryde’s Community Tree Day within the calendar year, utilising regular online and media channels to engage the community.

Mayoral Minute – parking at Ryedale Road, West Ryde

Council will install lines for car parking to provide drivers with clear guidance on the spots for parking opposite the train station on Ryedale Road. It will work with the Traffic Committee to produce a report within three months on the feasibility of restricting parking to 30 minutes all day rather than the current limit of 30 minutes which only applies to the hours of 8.30am to 3.30pm.

Mayoral Minute – TG Millner rezoning proposal

Council will develop and lodge a Planning Proposal to the NSW State Government for protection of critical public recreation space at the TG Millner Field site through an amendment to the Ryde Local Environmental Plan (RLEP) 2014 to classify the site as an RE1 – Public Recreation zone. Council will further write to the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC) and its member councils to enlist their support for the preservation of TG Millner Fields, recognising the strategic imperative for all Northern Sydney Councils to maintain open green space of significant size such as Westleigh Park and TG Millner fields.

Mayoral Minute – Control of Spanish Moss

Council will investigate the removal of Spanish Moss from key locations in civic spaces including local parks, the Field of Mars and in streetscapes where its presence is reported, with a report to be brought back to Council including the cost and resources required to undertake this action within the next three months. Bush care groups will also be encouraged to manually remove Spanish Moss where it is identified in local areas that they maintain.

Mayoral Minute – Housing options for people facing domestic and family violence

Council will continue to advocate strongly to relevant State and Federal Ministers to provide additional housing options and services to support women and children experiencing domestic and family violence. Council will also conduct a review of its own housing policies with a view to developing a housing category which supports victims of domestic and family violence. A report will be brought back to Council for consideration following this review.

June Quarterly Review report

Council resolved to adopt the proposed variations, FY23/24 carryover funds and proposed movements in reserves. It also resolved that the June 2024 Quarterly Review report (Four Year Delivery Plan 2022 - 2026 and One Year 2023/24 Operational Plan) for Quarter Four, April – June 2024, be received and adopted by Council.

Putney Park Draft Plan of Management

Council will refer the draft Putney Park Plan of Management (update June 2024) to the Minister for Lands and Property seeking approval to place on public exhibition as required by the Crown Lands Management Act 2016. Following approval from the Minister, the Plan will be placed on public exhibition for 42 days and a report be brought back to Council following this process.

Tree preservation

Council endorsed the amended draft Ryde Development Control Plan, 2024 - Part 9.5 Tree Preservation and the document will be placed on public exhibition in accordance with the provisions of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. The Public Exhibition will occur for a total of 42 days. A further report will come back to Council following the exhibition period, outlining the feedback received and any amendments proposed for the document.

Safety for children playing at Heatley Reserve, East Ryde

Council endorsed an option to retain and maintain the existing planting along the frontage of Moncrieff Drive, which can be accommodated in the existing Parks Maintenance Base Budget.

Installation of shade sails at Denistone Park

Council resolved to support the use of trees to achieve shade at Denistone Park in accordance with the adopted Play Implementation Plan policy and the playground will continue to operate in its current arrangement.

Vimiera Road footpath

Council approved the allocation of $49,000 excluding GST from the Councillor Discretionary Fund to the 2024/25 Footpath Expansion Capital Works Program for the construction of the Vimiera Road footpath extension. The project will proceed only if no additional costs (in excess of the discretionary funding limit) for service relocation or protection are required. Should such costs arise, the project feasibility will need to be reassessed and Councillors will be informed accordingly through the Councillor Information Bulletin.

Disability parking at Cutler Parade, North Ryde

Council will explore making the current weddings and funerals parking spot at the North Ryde Uniting Church a permanent disability parking space.

Forest conservation

Staff will conduct a workshop for Councillors before the Ordinary Council meeting in November 2024 to discuss the preparation of an independent ecology expert report on the current state of (and any damage to) the natural areas at the State Significant Development Site of the former Ivanhoe Estate, detailing the health of the Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest; and the Coastal Enriched Sandstone Moist Forest, the state of the natural areas and progression of Council’s request to extend the E2 (now C2) conservation zone into the site.

Matter of Urgency – Traffic control devices at Charles St, Ryde

Council resolved that the traffic devices at the intersection of Charles and Kenneth Streets, Ryde, be removed immediately, with the traffic island to remain. The cost will be funded from Clr Maggio’s Councillor discretionary fund.

To view the minutes of the meeting, click here


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