Council Meeting summary - 25 June 2024

Published on 01 July 2024


Council held a meeting on Tuesday 25 June. The following is a summary of outcomes from the meeting:

Mayoral Minute – Council’s award-winning work recognised

It was resolved that on behalf of the community, all staff and departments who assisted with the development and production of the ‘Shaping the future: 2022-23 Annual Report’ be congratulated. The report won a Gold Award at the 74th Australasian Reporting Awards, Council’s 14th consecutive such honour. Also congratulated was all staff that contributed to the Supporting Inclusive Volunteering Project. The project was awarded ‘Highly Commended’ in the Community Development category at the 2024 NSW Local Government Excellence Awards. Staff who contributed to the development of the Urban Forest Strategy were also congratulated. This strategy was a finalist in the Environmental Leadership category.

Mayoral Minute – Regional Sports Capacity

Council will write to Hornsby Shire Council to express support for the Westleigh Park project given its regional significance in supporting the increased population in Northern Sydney.  Council will also write to the Premier for New South Wales, the Minister for Sport, the Minister for Local Government and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces encouraging them to maintain/extend their grant to Hornsby Shire Council to ensure the completion of the Westleigh Park project.

Council will further ask the above to provide the funding as promised by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure as part of the Macquarie Park Innovation District Rezoning Strategies and Transport Oriented Development (TOD) to the City of Ryde to ensure the purchase and future management of TG Millner. Council noted that the undersupply of sports fields in the NSROC region reinforces the case for Strategic Merit as assessed by the Sydney North Planning Panel when they rejected the rezoning proposal of TG Millner fields in December 2022. The reduction by six sports fields at Westleigh Park makes the case for the compulsory acquisition of TG Millner even more compelling using the criteria of Strategic Merit.

Further, the joint three tiers of government funding model, used to upgrade Leichhardt Oval, has direct application to the compulsory acquisition of TG Millner. It is noted that Ryde Council has set aside $15 million for the purchase of this site. A three-way funding model with our council working collaboratively with the NSW and Commonwealth Governments will resolve the issue of site ownership of TG Millner Fields. 

The Mayor will write to the Prime Minister of Australia and the NSW Premier to seek financial assistance from the Commonwealth and NSW Governments to support the compulsory acquisition of the TG Millner Fields.  

Mayoral Minute – Mayor for a Day

A ‘Mayor for a day’ event, followed by a morning tea, will be held at Council Chambers on Monday 5 August at 10.30am, with principals and school captains of all primary schools located in the City of Ryde, as well as City of Ryde Councillors, to be invited.

Mayoral Minute - Kings Birthday Honours recipients

Through a media release Council will congratulate the City of Ryde’s six local King’s Birthday Honours recipients - Brianna Casey (AM), Penelope Gillies (OAM), Henry Jones (OAM), Austin Kim (OAM), Judith King (OAM), and Peter Millington (OAM).

Four-Year Delivery Program 2022-202

Council adopted the proposed Four-Year Delivery Program 2022-2026 including the One Year Operational Plan for FY24/25, and FY24/25 Fees and Charges Schedule.

Councillor Discretionary Funds Policy

Council adopted the Draft Councillor Discretionary Funds Policy, as considered by Council in April 2024, without amendment.

Draft City of Ryde Sponsorship Policy

Council adopted the revised draft Sponsorship Policy.

Appointment of Independent Member – Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Council endorsed the appointment of Mathew Broom to the position of Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Independent Member.

Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Charter

The revised Charter, which was endorsed by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) at the 15 April 2024 ARIC meeting was approved by Council.

MOU with the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau

Council approved the Mayor signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Ryde and the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, which was endorsed by the Council at its meeting in October 2023, at a digital signing ceremony (intended to occur in the first week of July 2024). Council further approved staff working with key stakeholders to support future business activities and fostering new relationships between local businesses in the City of Ryde and businesses from Hsinchu Science Park.

Ryde Youth Performing Arts Program 2024-25

Council endorsed the proposed 12-month Ryde Youth Performing Arts Program to be held during the FY 2024/25 providing a range of performing arts disciplines for young people aged 12 to 18 years of age that live, work or study in the City of Ryde. It will establish a criteria for how the 16 places are decided in the case of over subscription and provide analysis on a number of places if there was a co-contribution through direct payment or the State Government Creative Kids voucher with the goal of maximising available spots.

Top Ryde Live Sites of 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Council noted that live screenings of the 2024 Games will be held at Top Ryde City in the Piazza on the 3 and 10 August for the Olympic Games and the 31 August and 7 September 2024 for the Paralympics Games. It further noted that screenings for the Olympics and Paralympics Games 2024 that are live broadcasted by local venues will be promoted on Council’s website for the information of the community. Future live screenings for major sporting events will be considered when undertaking Council’s annual events planning and scheduling.

Local Heritage Assistance Fund

Two eligible applications to the Local Heritage Assistance Fund for the December 2023 period were supported and will receive funding assistance pursuant to Section 356 of the Local Government Act, 1993. Council will allocate the amount of $30,000.00 from Heritage Reserve to fund the successful applications.

Ryde Central

Council received and noted a report and the estimated costs to provide open space at the Ryde Central site. It further noted that Council is unable to progress building on a new Ryde Civic Centre nor the public open space until the Office of Local Government (OLG) is satisfied that City of Ryde has a lawful and financially sustainable funding mechanism. Council will prepare a submission to the OLG and Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) for Council’s approval to seek further advice and approval for other options to pay for a new Ryde Civic Centre that is lawfully and financially sustainable.

Precis of Correspondence

Council received and noted correspondence from The Hon Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.

Pedestrian Crossing at Potts Street, Ryde

Council will revisit options for a pedestrian crossing on Potts Street, between Victoria Road and Frederick Street, Ryde, in consultation with TfNSW, St Charles School and other affected stakeholders. Council will request St Charles School to develop and implement an Operational Traffic Management Plan to assist with the safety and efficiency of student pick-up/drop-off activity.  The back gate of St Charles School on Potts Street will be considered in the process. A report will come back to Council at the November 2024 Ordinary Council meeting on the findings and discussions taken place with regards to the pedestrian crossing options and the Operational Traffic Management Plan.

Extension of Winter Soccer Season

Council will discuss with the relevant summer users, the local football clubs, and Football NSW within 10 business days whether it is feasible to extend the winter soccer season until after the long weekend in October 2024 due to inclement weather.  A report will be provided to Council as soon as practicable with the outcome of the request to extend the football season.

Vandalism and bushfire prevention at Sugarloaf Point, East Ryde

A proposal to install a “NO STOPPING” zone on the eastern side of Pittwater Road, between Rene Street and Buffalo Creek Reserve intersections, between sunset and dawn, will be referred to the September 2024 Ryde Local Traffic Committee meeting for consideration, following community consultation.

Alleged waste and vermin issues at 144-148 Cox’s Road, North Ryde

Council will investigate alleged waste and vermin issues in the vicinity of 144-148 Coxs Road, North Ryde and the adjoining Cox’s Road public car park. A report will be provided back to Council outlining the findings of the investigation after its completion.

Workshop on Council’s use of print and social media

City of Ryde staff will hold a workshop for all Councillors regarding the use of print and social media delivered by the City of Ryde. The workshop will take place after the September 2024 Council elections when newly elected Councillors are inducted and will also include training on accounting and financial management and the difference between internal and external reserves and Code of Conduct.

To view the minutes of the meeting, click here


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