Council Meeting summary – 25 February 2025
Published on 03 March 2025
Council held a meeting on Tuesday 25 February 2025. The following is a summary of outcomes from the meeting:
Mayoral Minute - Physical Disability Council of NSW Award
Council resolved that the work of relevant staff in achieving a Silver level award and supporting the efforts of the Physical Disability Council of NSW be noted.
Mayoral Minute – TG Millner Fields
Council noted the decision by the NSW State Government’s Housing Delivery Authority and reaffirms its position to protect TG Millner as essential public open space, to meet the active recreation needs of the community. Council will continue to progress the compulsory acquisition of the TG Millner Fields, being the property at 146 Vimiera Road, Marsfield. The funding amounts allocated and source to be as resolved by Council at its meeting of 10 December 2024.
December Quarterly Budget Review and Quarter Two Progress Report
Council endorsed the proposed budget variations and received, noted and endorsed the Operational Plan 2024-2024 Quarter Two Progress Report October to December 2024.
Draft Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Charter
Council approved the revised Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Charter which was endorsed by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee at their meeting held on 15 April 2024.
Draft Macquarie Park Corridor Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan
Council supported the public exhibition of the Draft Macquarie Park Corridor Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2025, and the Draft Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan 2025. The outcomes of the public exhibition will be reported to Council for consideration. An externally restricted financial reserve will be created for future income to the Macquarie Park Corridor Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2025.
Response to Resolution – Shrimptons Creek Wildfire Corridor Santa Rosa Park
Council endorsed Option 1 for the installation of dog “on leash” signage at Santa Rosa Park, in accordance with the Companion Animals Act 1988. It further endorsed Option 2 for the installation of interpretive signage at Santa Rosa Park.
Response – Feasibility Assessment of Solar Installation at Christie Park
Council will not proceed with the installation of solar panels on the roof of the Christie Park amenity block, after an assessment confirmed the site to be unfeasible due to unsuitable asset consumption and utilisation patterns, the tenancy utility agreement, and the return on investment duration. Council staff will incorporate solar feasibility assessments into the design specification phase of all new infrastructure projects including redevelopments, in alignment with Council’s adopted Resource Efficiency Policy (2023).
Traffic and Parking matters
The following matters were approved at the November 2024 Ryde Traffic Committee meeting and consideration will be given to the following:
- Culloden Road, Marsfield: Replacing the existing pedestrian refuge on Culloden Road, south of the intersection with Taranto Road, Marsfield with a raised pedestrian crossing, subject to available funding and other design requirements.
- Peach Tree Road and Cottonwood Crescent, Macquarie Park: The intersection of Cottonwood Crescent and Peach Tree Road to be defined as an altered T – Junction, with priority given to the through movement along Cottonwood Crescent to Peach Tree Road, and the minor leg to be the cul-de-sac area of Peach Tree Road. The intersection to be marked with double dividing line marking to define the curve. A ‘GIVE WAY’ sign and hold line (TB) will be installed at the cul-de-sac end of Peach Tree Road.
- Watts Road and Ronald Avenue, Ryde: Converting two of the existing ‘2P 8AM-6PM MON-FRI 8AM-12PM SAT’ parking spaces to ‘1/4P 6AM-6PM 6AM-12.30PM SAT, SUN’. Converting two of the existing ‘2P 8AM-6PM MON-FRI 8AM-12PM SAT’ parking spaces to ‘1P 6AM-6PM 6AM-12.30PM SAT, SUN’. Converting four of the existing ‘2P 8AM-6PM MON-FRI 8AM-12PM SAT’ parking spaces to ‘2P 6AM-6PM 6AM-12.30PM SAT’. Converting the existing ‘NO PARKING’ across the driveway servicing property no. 17 Watts Road, Ryde to ‘NO STOPPING’. Converting a single unrestricted parking space outside property no. 9 Ronald Avenue, Ryde to ‘1/4P 6AM-6PM 6AM-12.30PM SAT, SUN’.
- Rhodes Street and Macpherson Street, Meadowbank: A 65m of ‘1/4P 7:00AM-9:30AM, 2:30PM-6PM SCHOOL DAYS’ on the western side of Rhodes Street, West Ryde, outside the school frontage to be converted to ‘BUS ZONE SCHOOL DAYS’. The existing ‘BUS ZONE SCHOOL DAYS’ on the western side of Macpherson Street, Meadowbank, to be converted to ‘1/4P 7:00AM-9:30AM, 2:30PM6PM SCHOOL DAYS’. A ‘NO STOPPING’ zone to be installed at the side frontage of property nos. 96104 Hermitage Road and outside property nos. 15 – 17 Rhodes Street, West Ryde. The double centreline to east on Rhodes Street, West Ryde, to be relocated to accommodate a legal bus zone on the western side of Rhodes Street outside the school frontage.
- Belmore Lane, Ryde: Belmore Lane, Ryde, to be converted to one-way southbound between Blaxland Road and Blaxland Lane (Bicycles Excepted).
- Park Avenue, West Ryde: To be converted to one-way westbound (Bicycles Excepted) between Anthony Road and Chatham Road, West Ryde. Marked parking bays, with appropriate supporting signage, to be installed on Park Avenue, West Ryde.
- Adelaide Street, West Ryde: No ‘KEEP CLEAR’ pavement marking to be installed on Adelaide Street where it intersects with Hay Street, West Ryde.
- Jennifer Street and Clermont Avenue, Ryde: A ‘NO STOPPING’ zone to be installed at the inner side of 90-degree bends on Clermont Avenue at the property frontages of 1, 12 and 24 Clermont Avenue, Ryde. A 14m long ‘NO STOPPING’ zone to be installed along the western side of Clermont Avenue across the driveway servicing property nos. 18-20 Clermont Avenue, Ryde. A ‘NO STOPPING’ zone to be installed on the eastern side of Jennifer Street along the frontage of 10 Clermont Avenue, Ryde. Statutory 10m ‘NO STOPPING’ zone to be installed at the intersection of Aeolus Avenue and Clermont Avenue.
- Chatham Road, West Ryde: Two 16.7m long “1P 8AM-6AM MON-SUN” zones to be installed on the western side of Chatham Road at the property frontage of 2-6 Chatham Road, West Ryde. An 8m long “NO STOPPING” zone (between the two 1P zones) to be installed on the western side of Chatham Road at the property frontage of 2-6 Chatham Road, West Ryde. The proposed signs to be installed by the developer at no cost to Council.
- Khartoum Road, Macquarie Park: Existing 12P Parking Area sign (R5-61) on Khartoum Road to be relocated to the site boundary, and the existing 12P signs along the site frontage with Khartoum Road to be replaced with 2P signs (R5-2). Line marking be provided at the bus stop area on Khartoum Road. Yellow line marking to be provided at the layback of the proposed access road and the completed access road (with Building A). A Shared Path sign (R8-2) to be installed at the intersection of Talavera Road SUP and site pedestrian link. The proposed signs and line marking to be installed by the developer at no cost to Council.
Precis of correspondence
Council received and noted correspondence from IPART regarding a request to review the Local Government rating structure for Build-to-Rent housing and from former Councillor Lyn Langtry.
Traffic calming on Green Avenue, Ryde
Council will facilitate a meeting in March 2025 with residents of Greene Avenue, Ryde to discuss a detailed plan to overcome speeding issues. A formal submission will be submitted to the Ryde Local Traffic Committee based on the feedback of residents and all residents who have signed the petition will be notified. The Traffic Committee will consider the implementation of a new right-hand turn from Quarry Road heading in a southerly direction onto Lane Cove Road.
Everybody Dance Now disco
Staff will prepare and bring back to Council a report exploring options to deliver the inclusive disco ‘EVERYbody dance now’ events for the rest of the Council term, on a regular basis (not just in social inclusion week) to give volunteers and attendees certainty. It will call for expressions of interest from community groups, local organisations, or event coordinators interested in organising and delivering the disco and associated inclusive events. Council will support the initiative by promoting the expression of interest process and providing guidance on available Council grants or partnerships that could assist with event delivery. It will receive a report on the outcomes of the expression of interest process, including potential organisers, funding options, and recommendations for Council’s role in supporting the event. It will further recognise that people of all abilities are welcome at all events in the City of Ryde.
Major review of the Children’s Play Plan
Council will defer consideration of this motion until the April 2025 meeting, post a workshop to identify the top 10 parks within the City of Ryde, excluding regional destination playgrounds, that have been reviewed for lighting and shading. It will then review the Children’s Play Plan and provide clarity on the inclusions for the review.
Urban Precincts and Partnership Program grant
Council staff will progress the Urban Precincts and Partnership Program (UPPP) grant application for the exclusive use of developing a new Eastwood shopper’s car park. It will provide a more detailed report at the March 2025 meeting of Council on both the status of the UPPP grant application and the Report to Council on Building of the New Eastwood Car Park and Community Facilities.
Pedestrian crossing – 19 Church Street, Ryde
Consideration will be given to the installation of a pedestrian crossing near 19 Church Street, Ryde subject to the availability of future external sources of funding (e.g. external grants, etc).
Taxi Zone signage removal – 19 Church Street, Ryde
Consideration will be given to the removal of the taxi zone on the western side of Church Street to the immediate north of the Council car park at 19 Church Street, Ryde, subject to the outcomes of future public consultation. This work can be funded out of the Operations – Traffic Facilities budget.
Accessibility and assistive technology
Council will continue to focus on targeted improvements guided by the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP), regularly engaging with the disability community, incorporating feedback, and prioritising areas of greatest benefit to ensure ongoing, cost-effective accessibility enhancements.
Proposed Ryde Music Festival
A report will be presented back to Council outlining options regarding the planning and consultation process with community stakeholders, music organisations and local businesses to bring an annual Ryde Music Festival to life. Central to this initiative is the necessity to include and involve the community, ensuring their voices, ideas and participation are integral to the event’s planning and success. By incorporating community input, this festival will not only enrich the cultural fabric of Ryde but also strengthen community bonds and boost the local economy through creative and collaborative engagement.
Improving recycling and waste collection service in strata living properties
Council’s Waste Management Team will conduct a thorough investigation into the frequency of recycling waste collection for strata living properties, considering the growing demands of residents. It will highlight specific areas, such as Trafalgar Place in Marsfield and Durham Close in Macquarie Park, where waste management issues are particularly acute, and prioritise areas as these for immediate review and improvement. It will propose a full review of the Council's waste management services, including its current service delivery, policies, and contracts with waste management contractors, to identify gaps and areas for improvement. It will recommend the implementation of a three-month trial period to increase the frequency of recycling waste collection in selected strata properties, allowing for an evaluation of the impact and feasibility of this adjustment.
Victoria Road and Hermitage Road, West Ryde
Council supports the need to make this intersection safer for pedestrians and motorists alike and will write to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) seeking support for a review / traffic study of this intersection. A report will be provided in July 2025 on response from TfNSW.
Acknowledgement of immigrants residing in Ryde
Council acknowledged the efforts and contributions made to the LGA by refugees and immigrants residing in Ryde and reiterates our City's commitment to the human rights of all people to live with freedom, safety and dignity. It further acknowledged the anguish and pain that the barriers to safe immigration and asylum will be causing to many in the Ryde community. It celebrates and recognises the significant contributions of immigrants to the City of Ryde and will explore opportunities to further highlight and promote the achievements, stories and diverse heritage of Ryde’s immigrant communities.
Pedestrian refuge – Balaclava Road, Eastwood
Council will request that Transport NSW explores alternative suitable locations for a pedestrian crossing on Balaclava Road to enable ease of the Eastwood Heights Public School community walking to Lincoln Street, with particular focus on the visibility challenges on Balaclava Road.
Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School
Council will acknowledge the 100th Anniversary of the Laying of the Foundation Stone at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School, Gladesville, by presenting a commemorative plaque.
Abandoned shopping trolleys
Council will investigate the implementation of a more user-friendly or contemporary response mechanism on its website for the reporting of abandoned shopping trolleys under the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021, in particular an online form which would allow for easy and precise geolocation of dangerously located items.
Apprentices, Trainees and Cadets
Council acknowledged that the NSW Government’s Fresh start for Local Government Apprentices, Trainees and Cadets’ program is helping establish trade-based career pathways in local government. Appropriate staff from the City of Ryde will meet with Habitat for Humanity’s Habit Women representatives to investigate opportunities to collaborate, including employment of H4H graduates from the Habitat Women program potentially under the next round of funding from the program.
Eden Gardens site, Macquarie Park
City of Ryde will prepare a report for Council that explores the current allowable building heights at lot 307 Lane Cove Road Macquarie Park and the process required to amend the LEP and discuss options to put height restrictions in place north of the M2 Motorway in Macquarie Park.
Disability access at Macquarie Hospital
City of Ryde will expedite works to make the bus stop outside Macquarie Hospital, opposite Norfolk Way on Badajoz Road, compliant with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (Transport Standards) 2002. It will also fix the gradient of the ‘pram ramps’ from the curb to the road (on both sides) and through the pedestrian refuge on Badajoz Road between Norfolk Way and Third Avenue (Macquarie Hospital). Work will be funded through the Delivery Plan.