Council Meeting Summary - 4 April 2023

Published on 14 April 2023

Council held a Council meeting on 4 April 2023. The following is a summary of the outcomes from the meeting:

Touched by Christopher Foundation event

Council will support a charity BBQ being held by the Touched by Christopher Foundation at Lachlans Line, Macquarie Park, on 21 May 2023 by donating $1,918 to help defray event costs and waiving the venue hire fee. Council acknowledged the work of the Foundation – established by the family of Christopher Cassaniti following his tragic death at a building site accident in Lachlans Line on 1 April 2019 – in raising awareness of workplace incidents and providing support to families impacted by them.

Matter of Urgency – North Ryde sports facilities

Council will initiate independent discussions with the CSIRO and relevant parties within the next two weeks (depending on availability) regarding the owner’s plans for the sports facility on the corner of Julius Avenue and Newbigin Close, North Ryde. The facility houses a gym, tennis court, and a swimming pool used by the Ryde Swimming Academy.

Matter of Urgency – Melrose Park Bridge

Council will actively pursue the alternative route and bridge location for the proposed Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2. Further, it will make appropriate representations to the relevant NSW State Government departments not to use the Ermington Boat Ramp as a staging point, which may require it to be closed for three years. Council also resolved to liaise with the City of Parramatta to collaborate on all matters relating to the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 and the proposed northern and southern Melrose Park developments.

Net Zero Emissions Pathway

Council acknowledged the final round of community consultation undertaken for the Plan and will adopt the final consultation outcomes.

After hours service

Council will undertake a review to make its after hours service more efficient, with discussions to take place at a subsequent workshop.

Village business opportunities

Council’s Economic Development Team will develop a schedule to meet with small village shops within the City to collaborate and explore opportunities to promote and reinvigorate Ryde’s small business economy. Further, a social media presence will be investigated for all small village shops.

Northern Sydney Regional Waste Strategy

Council will adopt the Northern Sydney Regional Waste Strategy as a regionally consistent approach to waste management and commits to support the delivery of regional waste management initiatives consistent with local priorities.

Draft Conflicts of Interest Policy

Council will endorse the draft Conflicts of Interest Policy – Council Related Development Applications, which will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days, with submissions allowed.

Variations to development standards

Council will receive and note a report on variations to development standards using Clause 4.6 of the Ryde Local Environment Plan 2014 for the period between 1 October and 31 December 2022.

Investment report

The Investment Report as at 28 February 2923 was presented to Council.

Traffic and parking

Council endorsed the following Ryde Traffic Committee recommendations from the meeting held in February 2023:

  • Adelaide Street, West Ryde, adjacent to the frontage of West Ryde Veterinary Clinic: a 1P zone will be introduced between 8.30am-6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am-12.30pm Saturday.
  • Rothsay Avenue and Parsonage Street, Ryde: Existing parking restrictions remain unaltered.
  • Lancaster Avenue, Melrose Park: No Stopping zones to be installed at the property frontage of 1 and 13 Lancaster Avenue.
  • 72 Tennyson Road, Gladesville: 1/2P parking restrictions to be removed.
  • Fixed car share spaces: single use fixed car share parking to be authorised at 15-17 Angas Street, Meadowbank; 3-5 Porter Street, Ryde; 24 Lardelli Drive, Ryde; Colebee Street (corner Bennelong Way), Ryde; Nancarrow Avenue (corner Bowden Street), Ryde; Halifax Street, North Ryde; and Western Crescent (corner Ross Street), Gladesville. A review and a report will be supplied to Council identifying further potential locations for fixed car share spaces by the end of 2023. 
  • Cressy Road and John Miller Street, West Ryde: 10 metres of dividing barrier lines to be installed on John Miller Street at the intersection of Twin Road and on Cressy Road at the intersection south of Twin Road. There will be 5 metres of dividing barrier lines on Cressy Road at the intersection north of Twin Road. 
  • Hillview Lane, Eastwood: the existing Loading Zone at the rear of 127-133 Rowe Street will be removed and converted to a No Stopping zone.
  • Terry Road, West Ryde: A new blister island with chevron sign to promote safe access for pedestrians will be constructed. 

Morrison Bay ramp or staircase 

Council will investigate the feasibility and safety of installing a ramp or staircase at the eastern end of the seawall in Morrison Bay, Putney.

Meadowbank Station bubbler 

Council will liaise with Transport for NSW and/or other relevant authorities to arrange the installation of a bubbler in the forecourt on the eastern side of the station.

New pedestrian crossing

Council will consider and report on the need for a pedestrian crossing on Glen Street, Eastwood.

To view the minutes of the Council meeting, click here.

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