Council Meeting Summary - 26 September 2023
Published on 03 October 2023
Council held a meeting on 26 September 2023. The following is a summary of the outcomes from the meeting:
Mayoral Minute – further attacks on Artsakh
Council will call on the Federal Government and Foreign Minister of Australia to condemn the actions of Azerbaijan against ethnic Armenians in the self-proclaimed republic of Artsakh. It further calls on the Federal Government to provide humanitarian assistance to people who have become refugees because of the conflict.
Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor
Clr Sarkis Yedelian OAM was re-elected as City of Ryde Mayor by a Councillor vote of 7-4 over the only other candidate, Clr Penny Pedersen. Clr Daniel Han was elected as Deputy Mayor by a vote of 7-4 over the only other candidate, Clr Katie O’Reilly. Both will serve until the next local government election on 14 September 2024.
Matter of Urgency – Eastwood community centre
Council resolved that the CEO explore avenues to reinstate the State Labor Government’s original grant offer of $400,000 for the planning and designing of a community centre on top of the newly built Rowe Street East car park and report back to the 24 October Council Meeting. It further resolved that the CEO prepare a report to the next Council Meeting outlining which staff and councillors were aware of the decision to reject the grant offer and what processes and discussions were had about the decision.
Appointment of delegates
Council appointed the Mayor, Clr Sarkis Yedelian OAM, and Clr Sophie Lara-Watson as delegates to the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC), with Deputy Mayor Clr Daniel Han and Clr Shweta Deshpande appointed as alternate delegates. Clr Yedelian OAM, and Clr Lara-Watson were appointed as delegates to the Sydney North Planning Panel, with Clr Han and Clr Justin Li appointed as alternate delegates. Clr Penny Pedersen was appointed as a delegate to the Parramatta River Catchment Group, with Clr Katie O’Reilly appointed an alternate delegate. Clr Pedersen was appointed as a delegate to the NSW Public Libraries Association (NSWPLA) Committee, with Clr Lara-Watson appointed an alternate delegate.
2022/23 Draft Financial Statements
Council will release the Draft 2022/23 Financial Statements for external audit purposes, pursuant to section 413 of the Local Government Act 1993. It will also resolve transfer to ELE Reserve of $101,586 due to end of year adjustments.
Review of Voluntary Planning Agreements
Council received an independent review undertaken of its Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs) and resolved to incorporate future maintenance, renewal and capital costs related to VPAs in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25. It further recognised the importance of the City of Ryde’s financial health, with staff to continue to brief councillors when VPAs are presented and complete workshops on a quarterly basis on the four-year delivery and operational plan.
Ward boundary review
Council will adopt a ward boundary adjustment in preparation for the 2024 local government election after the Ward Boundary Plan was placed on public exhibition between 1 August-11 September 2023. A single boundary adjustment will be made, with the area bounded by Epping Road, Herring Road, Waterloo Road and Shrimptons Creek moving from Central Ward to West Ward.
Appointment of Chair – Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
Council noted the recent appointment of Dr Sheridan Dudley to the position of Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Chair, with the Mayor to formally thank former independent member and Chair Stephen Horne for his valuable contribution.
Soft plastics recycling
Council resolved to continue delivering comprehensive and efficient waste services that improve accessibility of resource recovery and problem waste disposal. It will fund a one-year trial with RecycleSmart, allocating a project budget of $100,000. To fund the trial, it will redirect $45,000 of funding from two existing projects – Waste Wise Ryde: Towards Zero Waste and Community Recycling Drop Off Day – with a further $55,000 coming from the Domestic Waste Reserve. Staff will report back to Council prior to the trial’s completion to determine whether the service will continue. Further, Council will continue to advocate for industry-led solutions in relation to the reduction and recycling of soft plastics with the vision to eliminate all soft plastic.
Household chemical cleanout and E-waste drop off events
Council resolved that the CEO will advocate for an additional EPA funded Chemical Cleanout event. Council will not fund an additional Cleanout event and continue to host the EPA funded event annually. It will also remind residents and businesses of the ability to drop off chemicals at the Artarmon Waste Management Facility through social media and newsletters, including cost and opening times.
Traffic study – Kent Road, Lane Cove Road and Epping Road precinct
Further investigations (including community consultation) will be undertaken to determine the feasibility and appropriateness of the following upgrades recommended in Turnbull Engineering’s North Ryde Traffic and Parking Study:
- Traffic signals and lane adjustments at the junction of Kent Road and Herring Road.
- Traffic calming measures such as a speed hump along Paul Street between Epping Road and Lane Cove Road.
- Lane Cove Road/Trevitt Road Intersection – extend existing “NO STOPPING” restrictions along both sides of Trevitt Road by another 10m.
- Paul Street/ McGregor Street Intersection – extend existing “NO STOPPING” restrictions along the southern side of Paul Street to the east of McGregor Street by another 10m.
- A new footpath at the following locations: 1) Northern side of Napier Crescent between Lane Cove Road and David Avenue; 2) Southern side of Adelphi Road between Herring Road and ELS Hall Park.
- A new shared (pedestrian/cyclist path) along the eastern side of Whiteside Street between Epping Road and Parklands Road.
Traffic and parking matters
Council will adopt the following recommendations from the 24 August 2023 Ryde Local Traffic Committee meeting:
- Twin Road, North Ryde: The existing “GIVE WAY” priority control will be replaced with “STOP” priority control for eastbound and southbound vehicles on Twin Road at its intersection with Goulding Road, North Ryde.
- Vimiera Road, Marsfield: Approval in principle for the upgrade of the existing pedestrian refuge on Vimiera Road adjacent to Vimiera Retirement Village to an at-grade pedestrian crossing. Council will proceed with the detailed design in accordance with the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Technical Directions/relevant standards and further community consultation, subject to availability of funds.
- Fontenoy Road, Macquarie Park: “KEEP CLEAR” pavement markings will be installed on the eastbound carriageway on Fontenoy Road where it intersects with Tuckwell Park carpark, Macquarie Park (TfNSW and NSW Police to be notified).
- Morrison Road, Gladesville: The existing refuge island will be converted to a combined at-grade pedestrians and cyclists crossing (subject to availability of funds) on Morrison Road in the immediate vicinity of Tyagarah Road (Bremner Park), Gladesville. The pedestrian crossing will be designed and installed in accordance with the TfNSW Technical Directions and other relevant standards.
- Regional Bicycle Route: The Cycleway Regional Route (RR04) and Cycleway Orbital will be approved in principle and will be designed as per Australian Standards and TfNSW Cycleway Design Toolbox.
Review of Local Business Awards
Council resolved that future decisions on the sponsorship of business awards managed by third parties will require a resolution of Council and a report from Council staff. Council staff will also work with local Chambers of Commerce to develop tools and create opportunities for local businesses to enhance their capability to apply for awards and grants. Further, Council staff will prepare a business case on the delivery of its own business awards program, with staff to report back to Council in the first calendar quarter of 2024 to inform planning for the 2024/25 Operational Plan.
Recycling awareness and education campaign
Council will investigate the introduction of a recycling awareness and education campaign for local shopfront businesses to reduce the volume of recyclable commercial waste being directed to landfill, with a report to be presented outlining the findings.
Establishment of Parkrun in the City of Ryde
Council will investigate the establishment of a ‘Parkrun’ site to foster community cohesion and to promote physical and mental wellbeing, with a report to be presented by December 2023 outlining the findings, including any funding required and opportunities for potential sponsorships and partnerships with local businesses. Subject to the findings of the investigation, the Ryde Parkrun will be established by early 2024.
Support for a new Vinnies Van
Council will investigate the opportunity for the City of Ryde to financially support a new Vinnies Van within the local government area to ensure it operates five nights a week and two day time services. A report will be presented back to Council at the November meeting outlining the finding of the investigation including all possible options to provide financial assistance.
Illegal and dangerous parking of trailers, boats, and caravans
Council will investigate the undertaking of a comprehensive and targeted education campaign to tackle illegal parking of trailers, caravans, and boats on streets across the City of Ryde, with information to be made available on a prominent page in the City of Ryde newsletter, local media, social media and on the Council website. A report will be presented back to Council by December 2023 outlining the findings of the investigation, including the extent of complaints of trailers, caravans and boats and possible solutions.
Support for the ‘Make a Stand’ walk against abuse
Council will offer support to the Ryde Hunters Hill Domestic and Family Violence Committee’s 2023 ‘Make a Stand’ against abuse walk on 23 November 2023 at Macquarie Park by posting the event details on City of Ryde social media networks/website/on rate notices and waiving the fees for the use of Elouera Reserve as a BBQ site for the end of the walk.
Extension of library open times for students
A report will be provided to Council exploring an extension of operating hours for Ryde Library on Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday during the day, to allow students more study time. It will also explore a trial extension for Friday/Saturday nights and extended Sunday hours at one or more libraries.
Library services for Lachlans’s Line and North Ryde Metro Station precinct
A report will be provided back to Council exploring the provision of a library service to the residents of Lachlan’s Line and residents of the other buildings at the North Ryde Metro precinct, including the consideration of book lockers similar to those at Gladesville library.
To view the minutes of the Council Meeting, click here