Support for Young People


Advocate for Children and Young People is an independent statutory office reporting to the NSW Parliament through the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Children and Young People.

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network is the national peak body on multicultural youth issues – Australia’s only national voice represents the needs and interests of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. 

Youth Action is the peak organisation representing young people and youth services across NSW. 

YFoundations is the peak body organisation representing youth homelessness in Australia.

Young People NSW provides useful information, guidance and support services for all stages of a young person's life in NSW.

Alcohol & Other Drugs

Sydney Drug Education and Counselling Centre (SDECC) provides free drug and alcohol counselling and support for young people aged 12-25 and their families. Counselling is available at various locations across the Sydney North area, including Ryde. Located at The Northern Centre on Thursdays from 10am to 6pm.

Salvation Army provides addiction services such as residential treatment facilities, community-based support programs, and Withdrawal Management Services (detox).

Drug & Alcohol Services are provided by Northern Sydney Local Health District at Ryde Community Mental Health Centre.

Drug & Alcohol Youth Support Service voluntary, free and confidential drug and alcohol service for people aged 12 – 24 years old.


Youth Law Australia provide free, confidential legal information and help for young people under 25. 

The Shopfront provides free legal assistance for homeless and disadvantaged young people aged 25 and under.


Q Life provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. 

Twenty 10 provide a broad range of specialised services for young LGBTIQA+ people 12-25 including housing, mental health, counselling and social support. Twenty10 also provides training for schools and organisations in how to support LGBTIQA+ people.

ACON provide community health support for the LGBTIQA+ community.


Ask for health is a website that provides trusted health information for young people under 25.

Butterfly Foundation is a website that provides information and support for eating disorders.

Clinic 16 is a sexual health clinic supporting young people across the Northern Sydney region. 

Play Safe is a website that provides information and support for sexual health in young people. 

Youth Health is a directory of local services for young people put together by Sydney North Primary Health Network. 

Youth Health Service provides primary health care services to young people 12 to 24 years who live, study or work in the Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD).

Mental Health

Batyr provide an app called OurHerd, a safe digital space to open up about tough times, learn from each other's experiences and be reminded that we're not alone in our struggles.

Child Youth Mental Health Service provides specialist mental health assessment and intervention to infants, children and young people (under 18 years old, unless still at school) with moderate to severe and complex mental health problems and their families.

headspace Chatswood is a free and confidential service where young people aged 12-25 and their families can access support for their mental health, physical and sexual health, drug and alcohol concerns and work and study needs. Located at The Northern Centre Thursdays 9:30am-6pm and Fridays 9am-5pm.

KYDS provides unlimited & free counselling to young people and their families in the northern Sydney region – no doctor’s referral or mental health plan needed. Located at The Northern Centre Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am to 6pm.

Psychosocial Support Service provide practical psychosocial support services for people who are experiencing mental illness across the Northern Sydney region.

Reach Out is safe place for young people to chat anonymously, get support, and feel better.

Safe Haven works with young people from ages 12 – 17 years old and sometimes 18 years old if they are still in school. It is a place you can go if you’re feeling distressed or having suicidal thoughts. 

Youth Enhanced Support Services (YESS) provides care to young people (aged 12-25) with complex mental health needs and associated functional impairment for up to 12 months for free.  YESS is a multidisciplinary team that includes a psychiatrist, a peer worker, mental health & AOD clinicians. YESS provides individual sessions, AOD sessions (including addictions such as gaming) family work and group programs and can also connect young people and their families to other support services to deliver wrap around care. Anyone can refer to YESS. 

Parents & Carers

Carer Gateway provide emotional and practical services and support for people who care for a family member that may have an illness, disability, mental health issue, or alcohol or other drug problem.

Empowering Parents in Crisis is a peer support platform supporting parents with teens who are experiencing crisis. 

Raising Children Network provide free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help your family grow and thrive together.

Reach Out (Parents & Carers) a safe, online place to get information and support to help you and your teen feel better.

Youth Services

Northern Sydney Youth Homelessness Service works with young people (under 25 years) to prevent homelessness by intervening early. 

Streetwork supports at-risk young people aged 11 to 18 years with outreach, advocacy, crisis management, mentoring and skill building. 

Taldumande supports vulnerable and homeless children and young people aged 12 to 24 years, and their families. 

Young Carers Network provide support to young people under 25 looking after family members who may have an illness, disability, mental health issue, or alcohol or other drug problem. 

Youth Up Front provide a variety of programs addressing the barriers which hinder the development and successful transition of young people from adolescence through into adulthood.