Supporting Inclusive Volunteering

Council is supporting inclusive volunteering by creating opportunities for people with disability to get involved with their local community as part of the Supporting Inclusive Volunteering project.

Through the project, registered volunteers with disability will have the chance to contribute and actively participate in volunteering activities at Council events such as MOvember, 16 Days of Activism, Social Inclusion Week and International Day of People with Disability. 

About the Project

People with disability are less likely to access suitable volunteering opportunities. The Supporting Inclusive Volunteering project, born from an action item in the City of Ryde Disability Inclusion Action Plan, is currently being implemented to address this.

The project is funded by the NSW Premier’s Department under NSW Social Cohesion Grants for Local Government.

As part of the project, we have designed a program that makes it easier for people with disability to discover suitable volunteering opportunities and engage with the community. Other deliverables in the project include the development of resources such as a volunteering booklet tailored for people with disability.

The resources have been designed and reviewed by those with lived experience of disability and subject matter expertise. They have been translated to Easy Read, Simplified Chinese and Korean.

Inclusive Volunteering Booklet

Download a copy of the Inclusive Volunteering Booklet in the following languages:

For more information about volunteering, please visit The Centre for Volunteering.

If you have any questions about the project, contact the Community Development Team via email on or call 9952 8222.



Accessibility Services

Translating and Interpreting Service
Phone and on-site translating services
Phone: 131 450

National Relay Services
Help if you’re d/Deaf or find it hard to hear or speak to hearing people on the phone
Phone: 1800 555 660