
For the latest information on COVID-19 please visit the below websites:

Vaccination information

COVID-19 is still affecting all our lives, but we know that vaccines can prevent serious illness or death. Everyone in Australia has access to safe, effective and free COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines will give us the protection to go about our everyday lives. 

Book your COVID-19 Vaccination

You can book a COVID-19 vaccination appointment at more than 2,000 locations across NSW including pharmacies, GPs and NSW Health clinics.    

Book your COVID-19 vaccination today

COVID-19 Vaccination for Workers

Some workers may be required to have a COVID-19 vaccination before they can continue to work. Find out if you are eligible and how to get a vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccine Resources

Visit the NSW Health website to view a collection of resources about receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Information in Your Language

Information about COVID-19 vaccines has been translated into multiple languages. Find information in your language by visiting the Department of Health website.


Resources and information in your language

NSW Health resources in multiple languages

NSW Health has provided a range of resources about the coronavirus in different languages, including English, Bahasa/Indonesian, Chinese, Arabic, Farsi, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese. Visit the COVID-19 in-language resources page on the NSW Health website to access these.

Other translated resources


Ethnolink has provided a list of resources from trusted authorities, including the Department of Health (Australian Government), Department of Home Affairs, and the World Health Organisation (WHO), in multiple languages. Click on the links below to access these.

Arabic | العربية Indonesian | Bahasa Indonesia
Assyrian | ܣܘܪܝܬ Italian | Italiano
Bangla | বাংলা Japanese | 日本語
Burmese |မြန်မာ Khmer | ភាសាខ្មែរ
Dari | دری Korean | 한국어
Chinese (Simplified) | 简体中文 Portuguese | Português
Chinese (Traditional) | 繁體中文 Punjabi | ਪਜਾਬੀ
Easy Read (Easy English) Spanish | Español
English Tamil | தமிழ்
Farsi | فارسی Thai | ภาษาไทย
Greek |Ελληνικά Turkish | Türkçe
Hindi | हिन्दी Vietnamese |Tiếng Việt

SBS have produced ‘Coronavirus Explained In Your Language’, explanatory videos on coronavirus in 16 languages. They are available in English, Filipino, Greek, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Punjabi, Spanish, Tamil, Arabic, Cantonese, Hindi, Indonesian, Pashto, Persian and Vietnamese.

SBS also has a range of other resources in many community languages - check out their 'Coronavirus information in your language' page. 

Translating and Interpreting Service

For more information please call the Translating & Interpreting Service on 131450 between 8.00am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Ask for an interpreter to contact Council for you. Please make sure you refer to the topic when you speak to Council and Council staff will go through this information with you over the phone. Council’s phone number is 9952 8222.

繁體中文 (Chinese traditional)

如需瞭解詳情,請在週一至週五早8時至下午5時30分的時間段內致電131450 ,聯絡傳譯服務。請委託粵語傳譯人員代您聯絡市議會。在聯絡市議會時請務必提及此話題,市議會工作人員將通過電話為您作出詳細解釋。市議會電話號碼為9952 8222。

简体中文 (Chinese simplified)

如需更多信息,请在周一至周五上午8:00至下午5:30之间致电131450 ,联系传译服务。请让广东话传译员代您联系市议会。在和市议会通话时请务必提及此话题,市议会工作人员将通过电话为您作出详细解释。市议会电话号码为9952 8222。

한국어 (Korean)

자세한 안내를 원하시면 월~금요일, 오전 8시부터 오후 5시 30분까지 통번역 서비스 131450번으로 전화하시기 바랍니다. 한국어 통역사에게 카운슬 연락을 요청하시면 됩니다. 카운슬과 통화하실 때 해당 주제를 알려주시면, 카운슬 직원이 전화상으로 해당 내용을 상세히 설명해 드릴 것입니다. 카운슬의 전화번호는 9952 8222번입니다.

Digital Events

Feeling under the weather or in isolation? Council holds a wide range of digital events so you can enjoy them from the comfort of your own home.

See Upcoming Digital Events

COVID-19 Testing Clinics

COVID-19 PCR and Rapid Antigen testing clinics are available across NSW. The NSW Health website contains a list of clinics with opening hours, age and accessibility information. 

Find A Testing Clinic Near You