
Everyone should have a home.

Every night, over 116,000 Australians experience homelessness across our country. Short-term or ongoing homelessness can be caused by a number of factors ranging from family violence to unemployment to a shortage of affordable housing.

At a council level, the City of Ryde is proud to support the team at Link Housing and is answering the challenge of providing affordable housing for citizens on very low to moderate incomes with its Affordable Housing Policy that will help to deliver 600 new affordable dwellings by 2031.

The City of Ryde has also participated in the homelessness street count since 2020. Organised by Department of Communities and Justice and Link Housing, the count provides Council with real-time data about the number of people who may be sleeping rough in the City of Ryde.

Are you or someone you know experiencing, at risk of homelessness or fleeing domestic violence? Below is a list of resources to support those experiencing homelessness.

At risk of homelessness or homeless
Organisation Contact Details
Link2Home state wide emergency accommodation service, including refugees – 7 days a week 1800 152 152
Youth Accommodation line 1800 424 830
9698 5833
Indigenous Australians 1800 727 555
Housing NSW Website
Ask Izzy Website
Sydney Homeless Connect Website
For urgent assistance
Organisation Contact Details
Emergencies: Ambulance/Fire/Police 000
Lifeline, 24 hr counselling service 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back service 1300 659 467
NSW Rape Crisis line 1800 424 017
1800 RESPECT (DV and sexual assault) 1800 737 732
Men's Line Australia 1300 789 978
Kid's Helpline 1800 55 1800
BeyondBlue 1300 22 4636
Parentline, free support for NSW parents/carers with children 0–18 yrs 1300 1300 52
Domestic Violence line (freecall) 1800 656 463
Taldumande Youth Services 02 9460 3777
Law Access NSW (9am-5pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) 1300 888 529
Aboriginal Legal Service (8:30am-5:30pm Monday to Friday) 02 8303 6600
Centrelink Indigenous Phone Service (8am-5pm Monday to Friday) 136 380
Centrelink Employment Services and Job Network (8am-5pm Monday to Friday) 132 850

Other State-wide Services

Organisation Contact Details
Child Protection Helpline 132 111 (General Community) 133 627 (Mandatory Reporters)
Alcohol and Drug Information Service 02 9361 8000
NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
Local Services
Organisation Contact Details
Link Housing 02 9412 5111
The Northern Centre 02 9334 0111
CatholicCare 02 9481 2600
Korean Lifeline 02 9858 5900
Community Migrant Resource Centre 02 9858 1925
Sydney Community Services 02 9427 6425
North Ryde Community Aid 02 9888 3380
Christian Community Aid 02 9858 3222