Resources on Domestic Violence

A person comforting another

Domestic Violence is a Crime Booklet

Council in partnership with the Ryde Domestic Violence Network, aims to help prevent domestic violence across our entire community.
The booklet explains what domestic violence is, what happens when police are called to an incident and the associated legal processes. It also lists support contact information.
The City of Ryde hopes that this resource will assist those affected by domestic violence and help make reporting easier.

Police NSW

Domestic and Family Violence is a crime. 

It is well documented that domestic and family violence is a significantly under-reported crime and a complex crime for police to provide an effective response to.

For many victims of domestic and family violence they do not want to end their relationships with their abusive partners, they just want the violence to stop. Others require assistance from police and human services agencies to assist them in leaving their violent relationships.

Visit the Police NSW website for more information.

Additional Resources

Factsheets explaining what domestic violence in in English, Korean, Mandarin, Arabic, Armenian and Hindi.