Make A Stand Podcasts

Community Migrant Resource Centre logo The City of Ryde have engaged The Community Migrant Resource Centre (CMRC) to develop and produce Stories of Resilience – Make A Stand

This informative and practical podcast series responds to the continued rise of violence against women, by reaching out to people who are experiencing it themselves. 

CMRC produced 45 episodes in six languages (English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Arabic, and Farsi), to reach the diverse communities living here.

The podcasts take listeners through the journey of domestic violence, from the recognition of the situation, to the start of a violence-free life. 

You will hear how support services help survivors through their challenges, and you will come away with the resources to seek assistance for yourself, or for someone you know!



Episode 1 - Introduction 

The Mayor, Councillor Jerome Laxale and Councillor Penny Pedersen introduce Make a Stand.

Episode 2 - What is domestic violence and how do we recognise it?
  • Story by Gina Schien

Episode 3 - Counselling                                     
  • Anna’s Story (Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.)
  • Response by Linda Lemon, Lisa Harnum Foundation 

Episode 4 - Police Assistance – when to call 
  • Multicultural Liaison Officer Chanta, Gladesville/Hornsby Police

Episode 5 - Financial Abuse
  • Carla Ianni, CBA Support Program 

Episode 6 - Staying Safe Online
  • Rosalie O’Neal, Esafety Women

Episode 7 - Shopping Centre safe rooms
  • Linda Lemon, Lisa Harnum Foundation 

Episode 8 - Housing – when and how to leave? 
  • Tania Smith, Parramatta Women’s Shelter
  • Pablo Marques, Link Housing

 Episode 9 - Keeping Your Pets Safe
  • Councillor Penny Pedersen

Episode 10 - How teens can get help
  • Cate Sinclair, Northern Centre

Episode 11 - Legal Rights for Asylum seekers and refugees
  • Isobel McGarity, RACS

Episode 12 - People with disabilities - How to get help 
  • Cathy Milne, Disability Royal Commission Advocacy

Episode 13 - LGBTQI Asylum Seekers and Refugees support
  • Tina Dixson, Forcibly Displaced Persons Network (FDPN) 

Episode 14 - Men and Domestic Violence - Victims
  • Michael Riley, Relationships Australia 

Episode 15 - Getting through to men who are perpetrators
  • Michael Riley, Relationships Australia 

Episode 16 - Stories from the Safe Side
  • Betty’s story of a life well lived, decades after domestic violence

한국어 Korean

가정 폭력은 무엇이며 어떻게 그것을 알 수 있나요?  
  • Gina Schien의 스토리  

재정 학대 
  • Carla Ianni, CBA (호주 커먼웰스 은행) 지원 프로그램 

망명 신청자와 난민의 법적 권리 
  • Isobel McGarity– RACS (난민을 위한 조언및 케이스워크 서비스)

LGBTQI 망명 신청자와 난민 지원 
  • Tina Dixson – 강제 실향민 네트워크 (FDPN) 

온라인 안전 유지 
  • Rosalie O’Neal, Esafety Women

가정 폭력 
  • Jisun (Sunny) Kim 인터뷰, Relationships Australia

عربى Arabic

ما هو العنف المنزلي وكيف نتعرف عليه؟

قصة من تأليف جينا شين

 سوء المعاملة المرتبطة بالمال 

CBA كارلا إياني، برنامج دعم 

الحقوق القانونية لطالبي اللجوء واللاجئين

RACS - إيزوبيل مكارتي 

دعم طالبي اللجوء واللاجئين المثليين والمتحولين جنسياً

(FDPN) تينا ديكسون - شبكة فاقدي المأوى قسراً 


 السلامة على الإنترنت

 Esafety Women - روزالي أونيل

العنف المنزلي

Linking Hearts ،Muslim Women Australia مقابلة مع راجيا عربي، منظمة النساء المسلمات بأستراليا 

普通话 Mandarin

  • 个人经历——分享人:Gina Schien

  • 联邦银行支持项目——演讲人:Carla Ianni

  • 难民咨询援助服务(RACS)——演讲人:Isobel McGarity

  • 流离失所人士支持中心(FDPN)——演讲人:Tina Dixson

  • 女性上网安全——演讲人:Rosalie O’Neal


  • 澳大利亚家庭关系支持服务(Relationships Australia)——访谈嘉宾:Jian Hua, 

  • 访谈嘉宾:Ku-ring-gai 区域警察总署多元文化联系事务官:Fiona Yanfang Zhou

廣東話 Cantonese


個人經歷——分享人:Gina Schien

  • 聯邦銀行支援項目——演講人:Carla Ianni

  • 難民諮詢援助服務(RACS)——演講人:Isobel McGarity

  • 流離失所人士支援中心(FDPN)——演講人:Tina Dixson 

  • 女性上網安全——演講人:Rosalie O’Neal

  • 澳洲家庭關係支援服務(Relationships Australia)——訪談嘉賓:Jian Hua,

    訪談嘉賓:Ku-ring-gai 區域員警總署多元文化聯繫事務官:Fiona Yanfang Zhou

فارسی   Farsi

خشونت خانگی چیست و چگونه می توانیم آن را تشخیص دهیم؟

ضبط شده از ترجمه – (Gina Schien) روایتی از جینا شین

قرار دادن در تنگنا ی مالی

ترجمه CBA –  برنامه پشتیبانی ،(Carla Ianni) کارلا ایانی

حقوق قانونی برای پناهجویان و پناهندگان

(Isobel McGarity) – RACS ایزابل مک گریتی

LGBTQI پشتیبانی برای پناهجویان و پناهندگان 

شبکه افرادی که به اجبار آواره  شده اند – (Tina Dixson) تینا دیکسون

ایمن ماندن آنلاین

 ایمنی الکترونیک زنان – (Rosalie O’Neal) روزالی اونیل