Child Protection


Children and young persons are protected from child abuse as defined under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998. 

At City of Ryde, we support the protection of children and young persons who come into contact with Council employees, contractors and volunteers through the implementation of measures to ensure a safe, supporting, and caring Council environment.

City of Ryde has a system in place for the reporting of all allegations under relevant legislation and to encourage and facilitate the reporting of children and young persons at risk of significant harm.

Council responds to the Royal Commission Final Report Recommendations 2017 relevant to Local Government including the Child Safe Standards, which provide a framework for making organisations safer for children.

Urgent Assistance and Support

Urgent Assistance

If you believe a child or young person is in immediate danger, call Triple Zero on 000.

Child Protection Helpline

If you believe a child is at risk of harm and/or neglect, call the Department of Communities and Justice Child Protection Helpline on 132 111.

Other Services

There are a number of free services available to assist children and young people, including:

City of Ryde Child Protection Policy

City of Ryde has a Child Protection Policy in place to ensure children and young persons who come into contact with City of Ryde employees, contractors or volunteers are not at risk of significant harm and are safe from all forms of abuse.

This policy covers:

  • Council's process for dealing with allegations of child abuse against an employee
  • Council's process for responding to concerns arising in the workplace that a child is at risk of significant harm
  • Council's process for identifying and managing child-related employment.

View the Policy

Complaints Involving a Child or Young Person

Council takes allegations and complaints involving children and young people in relation to the organisation seriously.

There are a number of ways to contact Council.

Information on Council's complaint guidelines can be found here.