Rhythms of Ryde

Rhythms of Ryde Logo

Live Music Activation Program

Discover the Rhythm of Ryde! Experience our Live Music Activation Program where every day spaces transform into extraordinary experiences through live music. From intimate pop-ups at Meadowbank Wharf to vibrant drumming festivals, Ryde bursts to life day and night.

You are invited to join this unforgettable journey of music, connection, and sensory exploration featuring local and visiting artists. Whether it's a starlit date night or a relaxing picnic with family and neighbours, our program invites you to discover new dimensions in familiar places.

Embrace the magic of live music. Embrace your rhythm of Ryde.


Location: Ryde Park @ the Rotunda (Located near Sotto on Ryde café) access from Blaxland Rd, Princess St or Argyle Ave, Ryde - best Access from 30 Argyle Ave

Date and time to be advised.


Tom Avgenicos.jpg

The Tom Avgenicos Trio

Tom Avgenicos - Trumpet
Cameron Undy - Bass
Alexander Inman-Hislop - Drums



Queen Porter Stomp

Queen Porter Stomp

Crystal Barreca - Vocals/ Ukulele
Louise Horwood - Trumpet
Rose Foster - Trombone
Shannon Haritos - Double Bass
Max Williams - Tenor Banjo
Alex Masso - Drums

More program info coming soon.