Wind Vanes at Ryde Wharf Reserve
The iconic Ryde Wharf Reserve artworks made from tallow wood, galvanised steel and copper consist of three hand carved wind vane boats fixed to tapered poles, which reference the maritime history of the area, and in particular focus on the first ferry boat service – a row boat – that crossed the Parramatta River in 1794 from Schooner Wharf.
The base of the poles are decorated with mosaics featuring images of the snapper fish, an Indigenous totem from the area.

Location: Cnr Belmore and Parsonage Streets Ryde
Concept design: Jane Cavanaugh
Detail design: Jane Cavanaugh and Graham Bartholomew
Mosaic: Indigenous artists Adrina Khobane and Rebecca Jones
Fabrication: Ian and Graham Bartholomew
Funding: Holdmark Developments