Mural at Anderson Park

A vibrant mural has been installed on the rear wall of the amenities building at Anderson Park in Meadowbank as part of the City of Ryde’s commitment to enhancing our spaces through public art and promoting action to reduce litter.
In 2020, Council invited local primary schools to take part in an anti-litter art competition showing their interpretation of how litter impacts the environment. Council then sought feedback on two proposed concept options that were inspired by winning artworks from the school art competition.
The community selected a concept inspired by Ryde Public School student Besan, which was then painted by Sydney mural artists Blackbook Ink with the message 'Litter harms our natural spaces'. The work features sea creatures with plastic bags, cans and other litter in the background.

This project was a NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste Less, Recycle More Initiative, funded from the waste levy.
Anderson Park, Ryde 2112 View Map
-33.82056370255495, 151.09434997956365
Anderson Park ,
Ryde 2112
Anderson Park ,
Ryde 2112
Mural at Anderson Park