Creative Spotlight | Amber Minto
Published on 16 August 2022
Tell us a bit about who you are and what kind of creative work you make.
I am a 22-year-old photographer based in Denistone East. My photography journey began at the age of 14; when I decided I needed a “cool, big” camera. Photography quickly became my favourite subject at school, and it was during this time I realised I wanted to make a career out of taking landscape photos. After school I went on to university to study Photography at Billy Blue and since graduating from university, I have gone on to pursue another passion of mine - Early Childhood Education. As an educator, I began to realise just how quickly children grow up, and this is what has inspired me to also pursue portrait imagery. I now use my knowledge from both to create beautiful family portraits and landscape images.
What is a creative project that you’ve worked on that you’re really proud of? Why?
My first ever solo exhibition is something that I am still really proud of today. In 2020, I held an exhibition ‘The Edge of Day’ featuring 22 landscape prints from Australia and New Zealand. I really enjoy the printing process and hand print and frame my own work. I am a firm believer that photographs are made to be printed. It was an amazing feeling seeing my work fill the walls of the room. Not only did I get to showcase my work but opening night bought together the photography community and there was so much support and friendship in the room that made the night that much more special.

What’s your favourite part of working as an artist / creative?
I have been lucky to meet plenty of beautiful and kind families and create memories with them. I love being able to be a little silly with my job and make everyone laugh and smile, it’s always rewarding. I love the adventure that comes with landscape photography, nothing beats hiking through rainforests searching for hidden waterfalls or wandering along empty beaches as the sunrises.

Whereabouts do you look for creative ideas? Who or what inspires you?
Pinterest is my go-to for creative ideas and planning shoots. There is so many incredible photographs out there and you can learn so much just by looking at the lighting and poses. There is also an app and Facebook group called unscripted and I couldn’t recommend it more for anyone shooting portraiture from beginner to advanced, its filled with inspiration and pose guides from portrait photographers all over the world. Nothing inspires me more than being out and shooting though. The places I see and the people I meet are my real inspiration.
What creative project are you working on at the moment?
Currently I am working on a new series of landscape images. I recently returned from a 2-week photography trip in Tasmania, and I am working through the images selecting and editing my favourites to include in the series.
Where can we find out more about your work and get in touch? Please provide links to your website or social media account