Tools & Resources

Council is delighted to deliver a range of events, workshops and expert talks to support and help our important, valued and respected business community. These events are designed to provide the most up-to-date information and education on topics that are relevant to owning and/or operating a business in today's fast paced environment.

Ryde Business Form

The City of Ryde hosted the annual Ryde Business Forum (formerly known as the Combined Chambers Forum) on Thursday 13 June. 

The forum focused on local businesses, key strategies, and the progress of new Masterplans for West Ryde-Meadowbank and Eastwood.

Attendees were able  to connect with local businesses and officials, at the new Michael Kirby Law Building at Macquarie University.

Download the Presentation

Learn in Ryde

Have you considered upskilling for your business? Consider enrolling in a Microcredentials course, a diploma, or a graduate certificate course. Available courses are provided by the following institutions: 


TAFE NSW | JobTrainer Short Courses

JobTrainer provides job seekers with low cost and fee-free* courses to help you develop new skills. TAFE NSW fee-free (Eligibility criteria apply) JobTrainer short courses (Statement of Attainment – SOA) are currently open for enrolment, as well as exciting new courses being added all the time, you can enrol now and upskill faster. 

Enrol Online

Service NSW | Business Connect Webinars

Free business resources all in one place. Search using keywords and start your digital training.

Business Connect

Past Webinars


Business Case Studies

Council is seeking interest from local businesses to develop a series of case studies with a focus on three main streams; businesses based in Macquarie Park, businesses with a focus on innovation and MSMEs which are adept at problem solving and driving solutions for improved growth. To get involved, click on the button below.

View more details

Business Opportunity Accelerator Program

In association with Macquarie University, we’re running the Business Opportunity Accelerator (BOA) program for businesses in the City of Ryde. 

Successful applicants to the program will be provided with a small student team from Macquarie University who will research post COVID-19 growth opportunities for your organisation and produce a tailored report with their findings and recommendations.

Spaces for the pilot program are limited, but a waiting list will be assembled and applicants contacted for any future run of the program.

Find out More