Inclusive Employment Toolkit for Employers
According to the 2021 Census, approximately 6,086 people with disability live in the City of Ryde, representing 4.7% of the total population. City of Ryde is committed to building an inclusive community where everyone has equal opportunities.
This Inclusive Employment Toolkit aligns with key actions from the Council's Economic Development Strategy and Disability Inclusion Action Plan (2022-2026). We encourage businesses to utilise the resources and information provided to help create an inclusive workforce, support the local community, and provide meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability. Together, we can make a positive impact!
Benefits of Employing People with Disability
People with Disability bring diverse skills and qualifications to various roles. They are reliable and productive employees. Studies show that employing people with disability can reduce recruitment, insurance, and compensation costs while improving employee retention rates. Employment helps people with disability gain financial independence, a sense of identity, and improved health outcomes while reduces reliance on welfare systems.
Businesses benefit from the unique talents of employees with disability, enjoying higher retention, better attendance, and improved workplace productivity.
For more information, visit Business benefits of employing people with disability - Australian Disability Network.
Successful Case Study
Meet Ben Pilipowski, who has an intellectual disability and learn about his work journey at the City of Ryde Council. Ben's success story highlights the positive impact of an inclusive work environment.
Learn more: Empowered to thrive in an inclusive environment.
Available Support Services
If you are considering hiring someone with disability but have not yet attended disability awareness training or are not sure where to start, help is available.
Job Access
Job Access is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers. They can provide your business with details about:
- Getting your workplace ready
- Financial support
- Recruiting people with disability
- Managing your team
- Understanding your legal responsibilities
Phone: 1800 464 800
Disability Employment Services (DES)
DES is the Australian Government’s employment service that helps people with disability find work and keep a job. DES has a number of candidates that are looking for work and ready for work. They can also provide support staff to attend work with people with disability until they are comfortable to do the job independently.
List of local DES providers in Ryde:
- Match Work Ryde
- APM Ryde
- Asuria Ryde
- Wise Employment Top Ryde
- At Work Top Ryde
- CoAct/Ability Options Top Ryde
- Salvos North Ryde
- OTEC North Ryde
- Max Employment North Ryde
Additional Support for Disability Awareness Training and Accessibility Audits.
Watch a short video about General Disability Inclusion