Council has answered ‘unknown’ to questions on Section 10.7 Certificates for certain land where the extent of the FPA was not known at the time that the certificate was issued. In the absence of the FPA information, Council provided information on Section 10.7(2) and (5) Certificates as to whether a property is within the PMF to provide a better understanding of flood affectation until FPA maps were updated. These changes affected Section 10.7 Certificates issued between 14 July 2021 and 14 January 2022.
As of 14 January 2022, Council implemented the FPA maps which changes ‘unknown’ values to either ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ depending on if the lot is located inside or outside the Flood Planning Area.
Please note: Section 10.7 Certificates are reviewed and released with the correct controls and information at the time of issue. Therefore, there may be past certificates ordered for the same property with different answers under Clause 9 (formerly Clause 7A). Generally, the older the certificate, the more likely it is that the controls and/or restrictions affecting the development potential of the land have changed since its time of issue. It is the responsibility of the certificate user to determine whether they consider the certificate to be recent enough to be deemed reliable for their given purpose.