To support the community affected by the storms, West Ryde Library will be open for extended hours on Sunday 19 January from 9.30am - 5.00pm. Come in to recharge your devices and yourselves.
Please note the recent amendment to the Ryde Local Environmental Plan (LEP) means new multi-dwelling housing developments will no longer be permissible in Ryde Council’s R2 Low Density Zone.
This means that any Complying Development Certificate (CDC) application for multi-dwelling developments such as manor houses, terraces, villas and townhouses can no longer be approved and constructed within Ryde Council’s R2 Low Density Zone.
Consequently, to avoid regulatory compliance action from both NSW Fair Trading and the City of Ryde Council, please ensure that any CDC that is issued within the Ryde Council LGA is fully compliant with the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code (formerly Medium Density Housing Code) State Environmental Planning Policy.
For further information about the implications of this LEP amendment upon your CDC assessment, please call the City of Ryde Council on 9952 8222 or alternatively email
Planning controls explain the standards and restrictions for a new development. Planning controls may apply to a location (suburb, street or single lot), particular types of development (dwellings, villas) or a component of the development (provision of carparking, control of stormwater).
View Council's Local Environmental Plan (LEP), which controls the future development of all land in City of Ryde.
The Development Control Plan (DCP) provides guidelines, objectives and controls relating to the future development of the City of Ryde.
The Planning Ryde Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 outlines plans for a high-quality lifestyle and increased opportunities in Ryde, guiding future planning priorities and actions.
Various properties and development types may be subject to additional considerations closely tied to the Ryde Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan.
Outlines the types of development that can proceed as either complying or exempt development.
Find out about the NSW Government's new Low Rise Housing Diversity Code formerly known as the Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code.
Makes it easier, quicker and more attractive to build affordable rental homes by promoting the construction of new affordable units, townhouses, granny flats and other low cost accommodation.
Provides guidelines for the future planning and design of the public domain of town centres of Ryde.
Learn about the new employment zones, which commenced on 26 April 2023.
View our Development and Planning Strategies, Plans and Publications, including the Housing Strategy and Waterloo Road Masterplan.