Following the power loss in the building, North Ryde Library has now reopened
All Sportsgrounds are OPEN.
To find out if the sportsgrounds are closed due to wet weather, please call the Council's Wet Weather Information Line on 9952 8244. You are also able to subscribe to the Sportsground Status page (please select 'Subscribe' in the 'Want Updates?' section below). As a subscriber, whenever this page is updated you will be notified of the change via an email.
The procedure for closing sportsgrounds because of wet weather is outlined below:
For Saturday:
For Sunday:
Note: There may be situations where Council may close the sporting fields for both Saturday and Sunday competitions (winter season) on Friday afternoon. This will be when there has been a significant amount of rain for a number of days prior to the weekend.
Council's assessment matrix to determine ground closures uses the following criteria:
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Parks and Sportsgrounds Maintenance